Pierre E. Galand
Pierre E. Galand
Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls
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Ecology of the rare microbial biosphere of the Arctic Ocean
PE Galand, EO Casamayor, DL Kirchman, C Lovejoy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (52), 22427-22432, 2009
Pole-to-pole biogeography of surface and deep marine bacterial communities
JF Ghiglione, PE Galand, T Pommier, C Pedrós-Alió, EW Maas, K Bakker, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (43), 17633–17638, 2012
Structure of the rare archaeal biosphere and seasonal dynamics of active ecotypes in surface coastal waters
M Hugoni, N Taib, D Debroas, I Domaizon, I Jouan Dufournel, G Bronner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (15), 6004-6009, 2013
Pathways for methanogenesis and diversity of methanogenic archaea in three boreal peatland ecosystems
PE Galand, H Fritze, R Conrad, K Yrjala
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71 (4), 2195-2198, 2005
Hydrography shapes bacterial biogeography of the deep Arctic Ocean
PE Galand, M Potvin, EO Casamayor, C Lovejoy
The ISME journal 4 (4), 564-576, 2010
A strong link between marine microbial community composition and function challenges the idea of functional redundancy
PE Galand, O Pereira, C Hochart, JC Auguet, D Debroas
The ISME journal 12 (10), 2470-2478, 2018
Unique archaeal assemblages in the Arctic Ocean unveiled by massively parallel tag sequencing
PE Galand, EO Casamayor, DL Kirchman, M Potvin, C Lovejoy
The ISME journal 3 (7), 860-869, 2009
Macro-and microplastics affect cold-water corals growth, feeding and behaviour
L Chapron, E Peru, A Engler, JF Ghiglione, AL Meistertzheim, AM Pruski, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 15299, 2018
Depth related diversity of methanogen Archaea in Finnish oligotrophic fen
PE Galand, S Saarnio, H Fritze, K Yrjälä
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 42 (3), 441-449, 2002
Methanogen communities and Bacteria along an ecohydrological gradient in a northern raised bog complex
H Juottonen, PE Galand, ES Tuittila, J Laine, H Fritze, K Yrjälä
Environmental Microbiology 7 (10), 1547-1557, 2005
High bicarbonate assimilation in the dark by Arctic bacteria
L Alonso-Sáez, PE Galand, EO Casamayor, C Pedros-Alio, S Bertilsson
The ISME journal 4 (12), 1581-1590, 2010
Detection of methanogenic Archaea in peat: comparison of PCR primers targeting the mcrA gene
H Juottonen, PE Galand, K Yrjälä
Research in microbiology 157 (10), 914-921, 2006
Inter-annual recurrence of archaeal assemblages in the coastal NW Mediterranean Sea (Blanes Bay Microbial Observatory)
PE Galand, C Gutiérrez-Provecho, R Massana, JM Gasol, EO Casamayor
Limnology and Oceanography 55 (5), 2117-2125, 2010
Remarkably diverse and contrasting archaeal communities in a large arctic river and the coastal Arctic Ocean
PE Galand, C Lovejoy, WF Vincent
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 44 (2), 115-126, 2006
Variation of carbon isotope fractionation in hydrogenotrophic methanogenic microbial cultures and environmental samples at different energy status
H Penning, CM Plugge, PE Galand, R Conrad
Global Change Biology 11 (12), 2103-2113, 2005
Vertical structure of archaeal communities and the distribution of ammonia monooxygenase A gene variants in two meromictic High Arctic lakes
J Pouliot, PE Galand, C Lovejoy, WF Vincent
Environmental Microbiology 11 (3), 687-699, 2009
Microsite‐dependent changes in methanogenic populations in a boreal oligotrophic fen
PE Galand, H Fritze, K Yrjälä
Environmental Microbiology 5 (11), 1133-1143, 2003
Vertical distribution of microbial communities in a perennially stratified Arctic lake with saline, anoxic bottom waters
AM Comeau, T Harding, PE Galand, WF Vincent, C Lovejoy
Scientific Reports 2, 604, 2012
Rhythmicity of coastal marine picoeukaryotes, bacteria and archaea despite irregular environmental perturbations
S Lambert, M Tragin, JC Lozano, JF Ghiglione, D Vaulot, FY Bouget, ...
The ISME Journal 13 (2), 388-401, 2019
Stable carbon isotope fractionation during methanogenesis in three boreal peatland ecosystems
PE Galand, K Yrjälä, R Conrad
Biogeosciences 7 (11), 3893-3900, 2010
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