Xiaotao Li (李孝滔)
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Dikutip oleh
High fatigue resistance in a titanium alloy via near-void-free 3D printing
Z Qu, Z Zhang, R Liu, L Xu, Y Zhang, X Li, Z Zhao, Q Duan, S Wang, S Li, ...
Nature 626 (8001), 999-1004, 2024
Influence of a micro-crack on the finite macro-crack
X Li, X Li, X Jiang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 177, 95-103, 2017
Effect of a micro-crack on the kinked macro-crack
X Li, H Yang, X Zan, X Li, X Jiang
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 96, 468-475, 2018
Revealing the inhibition mechanism of grain size gradient on crack growth in gradient nano-grained materials
X Li, J Zhao, X Zhang, X Jiang
International Journal of Solids and Structures 172, 1-9, 2019
Rail fatigue crack propagation in high-speed wheel/rail rolling contact
X Jiang, X Li, X Li, S Cao
Journal of Modern Transportation 25, 178-184, 2017
Theoretical modeling of toughening mechanisms in the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy at room temperature
X Li, AG Sheinerman, H Yang, Z Zhu
International Journal of Plasticity 154, 103304, 2022
Effects of dislocation pile-up and nanocracks on the main crack propagation in crystalline metals under uniaxial tensile load
X Li, X Jiang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 212, 258-268, 2019
Effect of micro-cracks on plastic zone ahead of the macro-crack tip
L Xiaotao, L Xu, Y Hongda, J Xiaoyu
Journal of Materials Science 52, 13490–13503, 2017
Solution of an inclined crack in a finite plane and a new criterion to predict fatigue crack propagation
X Li, X Jiang, X Li, H Yang, Y Zhang
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 119, 217-223, 2016
Tuning chemical short-range order for simultaneous strength and toughness enhancement in NiCoCr medium-entropy alloys
S Shuang, Y Hu, X Li, F Yuan, G Kang, H Gao, X Zhang
International Journal of Plasticity 177, 103980, 2024
Theoretical analyses of nanocrack nucleation near the main crack tip in nano and micro crystalline materials
X Li, X Jiang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 221, 106672, 2019
Molecular dynamics simulation and theoretical modeling of free surface effect on nanocrack initiation induced by grain boundary sliding in nanocrystalline materials
X Li, W Ma
Materials Letters 304, 130647, 2021
Tension-compression asymmetry of grain-boundary sliding: A molecular dynamics study
X Li, AG Sheinerman, Z Zhu, F Zhao
Materials Letters 325, 132822, 2022
Analysis of the effect of a micro-crack on plastic zone of the edge macro-crack tip by macroscopic and microscopic methods
X Li, X Li, H Yang, X Jiang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 201, 1-12, 2018
Microscopic and macroscopic analyses of the interaction mechanism between defect growth and dislocation emission in single‐crystal aluminum
X Li, S Peng, X Zhang, X Jiang, Q Wang
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2021
Machine learning-based prediction of fracture toughness and path in the presence of micro-defects
X Li, X Zhang, W Feng, Q Wang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 276, 108900, 2022
江晓禹, 李孝滔, 李煦, 曹世豪
西南交通大学学报 29 (2), 274-281, 2016
Quantitative model for grain boundary effects on strength-electrical conductivity relation
J Hou, X Li, S Wang, X Fan, C Li, Q Wang, Z Zhang, Z Zhang
Acta Materialia 281, 120390, 2024
A modified Hall-Petch relation for predicting size-induced weakening effect on yield strength of coarse-grained thin films and wires
X Li, X Li
Materials Letters 344, 134461, 2023
A new idea of modeling shear band in metallic glass based on the concept of distributed dislocation
X Li, R Qu, W Rao, X Jiang
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 577, 121328, 2022
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