Peter J.  Hirschfeld
Peter J. Hirschfeld
Distinguished Professor of Physics, University of Florida
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Gap symmetry and structure of Fe-based superconductors
PJ Hirschfeld, MM Korshunov, II Mazin
Reports on Progress in Physics 74 (12), 124508, 2011
Near-degeneracy of several pairing channels in multiorbital models for the Fe pnictides
S Graser, TA Maier, PJ Hirschfeld, DJ Scalapino
New Journal of Physics 11 (2), 025016, 2009
Effect of strong scattering on the low-temperature penetration depth of a d-wave superconductor
PJ Hirschfeld, N Goldenfeld
Physical Review B 48 (6), 4219, 1993
Defects in correlated metals and superconductors
H Alloul, J Bobroff, M Gabay, PJ Hirschfeld
Reviews of Modern Physics 81 (1), 45-108, 2009
Mean-field theory of high-Tc superconductivity: The superexchange mechanism
AE Ruckenstein, PJ Hirschfeld, J Appel
Physical Review B 36 (1), 857-860, 1987
Discovery of orbital-selective Cooper pairing in FeSe
PO Sprau, A Kostin, A Kreisel, AE Böhmer, V Taufour, PC Canfield, ...
Science 357 (6346), 75-80, 2017
Consequences of resonant impurity scattering in anisotropic superconductors: Thermal and spin relaxation properties
PJ Hirschfeld, P Wölfle, D Einzel
Physical Review B 37 (1), 83, 1988
Anomalous temperature dependence of the magnetic field penetration depth in superconducting UBe13
F Gross, BS Chandrasekhar, D Einzel, K Andres, PJ Hirschfeld, HR Ott, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 64, 175-188, 1986
250 Scalapino DJ
S Graser, TA Maier, PJ Hirschfeld
New J. Phys 11 (025016), 251, 2009
Effect of magnetic frustration on superconductivity and nematicity in Fe chalcogenides
JK Glasbrenner, HO Jeschke, R Valentí, PJ Hirschfeld, RM Fernandes, ...
Nature Physics 11, 953, 2015
Proximity of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in : Effective Hamiltonian from ab initio studies
C Cao, PJ Hirschfeld, HP Cheng
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (22), 220506, 2008
Penetration Depth Measurements of 3D Critical Behavior in Crystals
S Kamal, DA Bonn, N Goldenfeld, PJ Hirschfeld, R Liang, WN Hardy
Physical review letters 73 (13), 1845, 1994
Resonant impurity scattering in heavy fermion superconductors
P Hirschfeld, D Vollhardt, P Wölfle
Solid state communications 59 (3), 111-115, 1986
Spin fluctuations and superconductivity in a three-dimensional tight-binding model for
S Graser, AF Kemper, TA Maier, HP Cheng, PJ Hirschfeld, DJ Scalapino
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (21), 214503, 2010
d-wave model for microwave response of high- superconductors
PJ Hirschfeld, WO Putikka, DJ Scalapino
Physical Review B 50 (14), 10250, 1994
Spin-rotation-invariant slave-boson approach to the Hubbard model
T Li, P Wölfle, PJ Hirschfeld
Physical Review B 40 (10), 6817, 1989
Origin of gap anisotropy in spin fluctuation models of the iron pnictides
TA Maier, S Graser, DJ Scalapino, PJ Hirschfeld
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (22), 224510, 2009
-wave pairing from spin fluctuations in the FeSe superconductors
TA Maier, S Graser, PJ Hirschfeld, DJ Scalapino
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (10), 100515, 2011
Lifting of nodes by disorder in extended--state superconductors: Application to ferropnictides
V Mishra, GR Boyd, S Graser, T Maier, PJ Hirschfeld, DJ Scalapino
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (9), 094512, 2009
Iron pnictides and chalcogenides: a new paradigm for superconductivity
RM Fernandes, AI Coldea, H Ding, IR Fisher, PJ Hirschfeld, G Kotliar
Nature 601 (7891), 35-44, 2022
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