Prof Zaccheaus  Awortu Jeremiah
Prof Zaccheaus Awortu Jeremiah
Professor of Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science,Rivers State University, Port Harcourt
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Sero-epidemiology of transfusion-transmissible infectious diseases among blood donors in Osogbo, south-west Nigeria
FI Buseri, MA Muhibi, ZA Jeremiah
Blood Transfusion 7 (4), 293, 2009
Abnormal haemoglobin variants, ABO and Rh blood groups among student of African descent in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
ZA Jeremiah
African health sciences 6 (3), 177-181, 2006
Surveying infections among pregnant women in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
FI Buseri, E Seiyaboh, ZA Jeremiah
Journal of Global infectious diseases 2 (3), 203-211, 2010
Prevalence and risk factors of anaemia among pregnant women in Nigeria
FI Buseri, EK Uko, ZA Jeremiah, EA Usanga
Open Hematol J 2 (1), 14-19, 2008
Anaemia, iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia among blood donors in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
ZA Jeremiah, BB Koate
Blood Transfusion 8 (2), 113, 2010
Assessment of some haematological parameters in malaria infected pregnant women in Imo state Nigeria
HM Okorie, EI Obeagu, EN Eze, ZA Jeremiah
Int. J. Curr. Res. Biol. Med 3 (9), 1-4, 2018
Prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus in apparently healthy Port Harcourt blood donors and association with blood groups and other risk indicators
ZA Jeremiah, B Koate, F Buseri, F Emelike
Blood Transfusion 6 (3), 150, 2008
Assessment of coagulation parameters in malaria infected pregnant women in Imo state, Nigeria
HM Okorie, EI Obeagu, EN Eze, ZA Jeremiah
International Journal of Current Research in Medical Sciences 4 (9), 41-9, 2018
Abnormal hemoglobin variants, ABO, and Rhesus blood group distribution among students in the Niger Delta of Nigeria
O Erhabor, TC Adias, ZA Jeremiah, ML Hart
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International, 41-46, 2010
Storage related haematological and biochemical changes of CPDA-1 whole blood in a resource limited setting
TC Adias, B Moore-Igwe, ZA Jeremiah
J Blood Disord Transfus 3 (3), 124, 2012
Frequencies of maternal red blood cell alloantibodies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
ZA Jeremiah, A Mordi, FI Buseri, TC Adias
Asian Journal of Transfusion Science 5 (1), 39-41, 2011
Seroprevalence of hepatitis C virus among blood donors in Rivers State, Nigeria
BBD Koate, FI Buseri, ZA Jeremiah
Transfusion Medicine 15 (5), 449-451, 2005
Elevation in D-dimer concentrations is positively correlated with gestation in normal uncomplicated pregnancy
ZA Jeremiah, TC Adias, M Opiah, SP George, O Mgbere, EJ Essien
International journal of women's health, 437-443, 2012
Pattern and prevalence of neonatal thrombocytopenia in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
ZA Jeremiah, JE Oburu
Pathology and laboratory medicine international, 27-31, 2010
Rh antigen and phenotype frequencies and probable genotypes for the four main ethnic groups in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
ZA Jeremiah, FI Buseri
The prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus infection among TB patients in Port Harcourt Nigeria
O Erhabor, ZA Jeremiah, TC Adias, CE Okere
HIV/AIDS-Research and Palliative Care, 1-5, 2010
Reference values of hematological indices of infants, children, and adolescents in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
FI Buseri, IJ Siaminabo, ZA Jeremiah
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International, 65-70, 2010
Iron deficiency anaemia and evaluation of the utility of iron deficiency indicators among healthy Nigerian children
ZA Jeremiah, FI Buseri, EK Uko
Hematology 12 (3), 249-253, 2007
Depression of platelet counts in apparently healthy children with asymptomatic malaria infection in a Nigerian metropolitan city
ZA Jeremiah, EK Uko
Platelets 18 (6), 469-471, 2007
Rh antigens and phenotype frequencies of the Ibibio, Efik, and Ibo ethnic nationalities in Calabar, Nigeria
ZA Jeremiah, C Odumody
Immunohematology 21 (1), 21-24, 2005
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