Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - J M RipaldaPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 2
Three dimensional atom probe imaging of GaAsSb quantum rings
AM Beltrán, EA Marquis, AG Taboada, JM Ripalda, JM García, SI Molina
Ultramicroscopy 111 (8), 1073-1076, 2011
Mandat: Government of Spain
Fabrication and characterization of near thresholdless lasers at room temperature
I Prieto, JM Llorens, LE Muñoz-Camúñez, C Robles, AG Taboada, ...
SPIE Nanoscience+ Engineering, 95460D-95460D-6, 2015
Mandat: Government of Spain
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 30
Near thresholdless laser operation at room temperature
I Prieto, JM Llorens, LE Muñoz-Camúñez, AG Taboada, J Canet-Ferrer, ...
Optica 2 (1), 66-69, 2015
Mandat: Government of Spain
Solar cell designs by maximizing energy production based on machine learning clustering of spectral variations
JM Ripalda, J Buencuerpo, I García
Nature communications 9 (1), 5126, 2018
Mandat: Government of Spain
InAs/AlGaAs quantum dot intermediate band solar cells with enlarged sub-bandgaps
I Ramiro, E Antolín, MJ Steer, PG Linares, E Hernandez, I Artacho, ...
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2012 38th IEEE, 000652-000656, 2012
Mandat: Government of Spain
Different strategies towards the deterministic coupling of a single Quantum Dot to a photonic crystal cavity mode
I Prieto, J Herranz, Y Gonzalez, J Canet-Ferrer, L Wewior, PA Postigo, ...
Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2011 13th International Conference on, 1-5, 2011
Mandat: Government of Spain
Broadband antireflective nano-cones for tandem solar cells
J Buencuerpo, JM Llorens, ML Dotor, JM Ripalda
Optics express 23 (7), A322-A336, 2015
Mandat: Government of Spain
Engineering the reciprocal space for ultrathin GaAs solar cells
J Buencuerpo, JM Llorens, JM Ripalda, MA Steiner, AC Tamboli
Optics & Laser Technology 142, 107224, 2021
Mandat: US Department of Energy, Government of Spain
Contribution to the study of sub-bandgap photon absorption in quantum dot InAs/AlGaAs intermediate band solar cells
J Villa, I Ramiro, JM Ripalda, I Tobías, P García-Linares, E Antolín, A Martí
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 11 (2), 420-428, 2020
Mandat: Government of Spain
Strain balanced epitaxial stacks of quantum dots and quantum posts
D Alonso‐Álvarez, JM Ripalda, B Alén, JM Llorens, A Rivera, F Briones
Advanced Materials 23 (44), 5256-5261, 2011
Mandat: Government of Spain
Nano-cones for broadband light coupling to high index substrates
J Buencuerpo, L Torné, R Álvaro, JM Llorens, ML Dotor, JM Ripalda
Scientific Reports 6, 2016
Mandat: Government of Spain
Location-specific spectral and thermal effects in tracking and fixed tilt photovoltaic systems
JM Ripalda, D Chemisana, JM Llorens, I García
Iscience 23 (10), 101634, 2020
Mandat: Government of Spain
Cloaking of solar cell contacts at the onset of Rayleigh scattering
E San Román, A Vitrey, J Buencuerpo, I Prieto, JM Llorens, ...
Scientific reports 6, 28669, 2016
Mandat: Government of Spain
Strain driven migration of In during the growth of InAs/GaAs quantum posts
D Alonso-Álvarez, B Alén, JM Ripalda, A Rivera, AG Taboada, JM Llorens, ...
APL Materials 1 (2), 022112, 2013
Mandat: Government of Spain
Relaxation dynamics and residual strain in metamorphic AlSb on GaAs
JM Ripalda, AM Sanchez, AG Taboada, A Rivera, B Alén, Y González, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (1), 012103-012103-4, 2012
Mandat: Government of Spain
Optically triggered infrared photodetector
I Ramiro, A Martí, E Antolín, E López, A Datas, A Luque, JM Ripalda, ...
Nano letters 15 (1), 224-228, 2014
Mandat: Government of Spain
Photon management with nanostructures on concentrator solar cells
J Buencuerpo, JM Llorens, ML Dotor, JM Ripalda
Applied Physics Letters 103 (8), 083901, 2013
Mandat: Government of Spain
Effect of Sb incorporation on the electronic structure of InAs quantum dots
AG Taboada, JM Llorens, D Alonso-Álvarez, B Alén, A Rivera, Y González, ...
Physical Review B 88 (8), 085308, 2013
Mandat: Government of Spain
Band-gap renormalization in InP/Ga_ {x} In_ {1-x} P quantum dots
AK Nowak, E Gallardo, HP van der Meulen, JM Calleja, JM Ripalda, ...
Physical Review B 83 (24), 245447, 2011
Mandat: Government of Spain
Structural characterization of GaSb-capped InAs/GaAs quantum dots with a GaAs intermediate layer
AM Beltran, T Ben, AM Sanchez, JM Ripalda, AG Taboada, SI Molina
Materials Letters 65 (11), 1608-1610, 2011
Mandat: Government of Spain
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