Alfredo Tolley
Alfredo Tolley
Profesor of Modern Physics, Instituto Balseiro UN Cuyo
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Segregation in Al3 (Sc, Zr) precipitates in Al–Sc–Zr alloys
A Tolley, V Radmilovic, U Dahmen
Scripta materialia 52 (7), 621-625, 2005
Influence of natural aging on the precipitation hardening of an AlMgSi alloy
A Cuniberti, A Tolley, MVC Riglos, R Giovachini
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (20), 5307-5311, 2010
Highly monodisperse core–shell particles created by solid-state reactions
V Radmilovic, C Ophus, EA Marquis, MD Rossell, A Tolley, A Gautam, ...
Nature materials 10 (9), 710-715, 2011
Microstructural evolution of 7012 alloy during the early stages of artificial ageing
R Ferragut, A Somoza, A Tolley
Acta Materialia 47 (17), 4355-4364, 1999
Monodisperse Al3 (LiScZr) core/shell precipitates in Al alloys
V Radmilovic, A Tolley, EA Marquis, MD Rossell, Z Lee, U Dahmen
Scripta Materialia 58 (7), 529-532, 2008
Precipitation kinetics in Al–Zn–Mg commercial alloys
R Ferragut, A Somoza, A Tolley, I Torriani
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 141 (1), 35-40, 2003
A study of debris and wear damage resulting from fretting of Incoloy 800 steam generator tubes against AISI Type 304 stainless steel
SR Soria, A Tolley, A Yawny
Wear 368, 219-229, 2016
Solute clustering behavior between 293K and 373K in a 6082 Aluminum alloy
VN Grau, A Cuniberti, A Tolley, VC Riglos, M Stipcich
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 684, 481-487, 2016
Influence of a microalloying addition of Ag on the precipitation kinetics of an Al–Cu–Mg alloy with high Mg: Cu ratio
C Macchi, A Tolley, R Giovachini, IJ Polmear, A Somoza
Acta Materialia 98, 275-287, 2015
Nucleation, growth and coarsening of γ′-precipitates in a Ni–Cr–Al-based commercial superalloy during artificial aging
A Picasso, A Somoza, A Tolley
Journal of alloys and compounds 479 (1-2), 129-133, 2009
Running condition and material response fretting maps of incoloy 800 steam generator tubes against AISI 304L pads in air and room temperature
SR Soria, A Tolley, A Yawny
Tribology International 135, 408-420, 2019
Microstructural Characterization of ZrO2 Particles Prepared by Reaction of Gaseous ZrCl4 with Fe2O3
AE Bohé, J Andrade‐Gamboa, DM Pasquevich, AJ Tolley, JL Pelegrina
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 83 (4), 755-760, 2000
Characterization of damage and triboparticles resulting from fretting of Incoloy 800 steam generator tubes against different materials
SR Soria, A Tolley, A Yawny
Wear 390, 198-208, 2017
A method for thin foil thickness determination by transmission electron microscopy
MVC Riglos, A Tolley
Applied Surface Science 254 (1), 420-424, 2007
Microstructural characterisation of a commercial Al–Cu–Mg alloy combining transmission electron microscopy and positron annihilation spectroscopy
A Tolley, R Ferragut, A Somoza
Philosophical magazine 89 (13), 1095-1110, 2009
The effect of electron irradiation on the β⇔ 18R martensitic transformation in Cu-Zn-Al alloys
A Tolley
Radiation effects and defects in solids 128 (3), 229-245, 1994
The influence of microstructure on blistering and bubble formation by He ion irradiation in Al alloys
SR Soria, A Tolley, EA Sánchez
Journal of Nuclear Materials 467, 357-367, 2015
18R to 2H transformations in Cu Zn Al alloys
A Tolley, DR Jara, FC Lovey
Acta Metallurgica 37 (4), 1099-1108, 1989
An electrospun polymer composite with fullerene-multiwalled carbon nanotube exohedral complexes can act as memory device
FN Molinari, E Barragán, E Bilbao, L Patrone, G Giménez, AV Medrano, ...
Polymer 194, 122380, 2020
Transmission electron microscopy analysis of grain boundary precipitate-free-zones (PFZs) in an AlCuSiGe alloy
A Tolley, D Mitlin, V Radmilovic, U Dahmen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 412 (1-2), 204-213, 2005
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