Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Carlos Navarrete-BenllochPelajari lebih lanjut
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Enhancing quantum entanglement by photon addition and subtraction
C Navarrete-Benlloch, R García-Patrón, JH Shapiro, NJ Cerf
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 012328, 2012
Mandat: Government of Spain
Dissipative optomechanical preparation of macroscopic quantum superposition states
M Abdi, P Degenfeld-Schonburg, M Sameti, C Navarrete-Benlloch, ...
Physical Review Letters 116 (23), 233604, 2016
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Majorization theory approach to the Gaussian channel minimum entropy conjecture
R Garcia-Patron, C Navarrete-Benlloch, S Lloyd, JH Shapiro, NJ Cerf
Physical review letters 108 (11), 110505, 2012
Mandat: Government of Spain
Simulating quantum-optical phenomena with cold atoms in optical lattices
C Navarrete-Benlloch, I de Vega, D Porras, JI Cirac
New Journal of Physics 13 (2), 023024, 2011
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Deterministic down-converter and continuous photon-pair source within the bad-cavity limit
Y Chang, A González-Tudela, C Sanchez Munoz, C Navarrete-Benlloch, ...
Physical review letters 117 (20), 203602, 2016
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Spain
Quantum coherent control of highly multipartite continuous-variable entangled states by tailoring parametric interactions
G Patera, C Navarrete-Benlloch, GJ de Valcárcel, C Fabre
The European Physical Journal D 66, 1-14, 2012
Mandat: Government of Spain
Inducing nonclassical lasing via periodic drivings in circuit quantum electrodynamics
C Navarrete-Benlloch, JJ García-Ripoll, D Porras
Physical Review Letters 113 (19), 193601, 2014
Mandat: Government of Spain
Degenerate parametric oscillation in quantum membrane optomechanics
M Benito, C Sánchez Muñoz, C Navarrete-Benlloch
Physical Review A 93 (2), 023846, 2016
Mandat: Government of Spain
General linearized theory of quantum fluctuations around arbitrary limit cycles
C Navarrete-Benlloch, T Weiss, S Walter, GJ de Valcárcel
Physical Review Letters 119 (13), 133601, 2017
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Spain
Self-consistent projection operator theory in nonlinear quantum optical systems: a case study on degenerate optical parametric oscillators
P Degenfeld-Schonburg, C Navarrete–Benlloch, MJ Hartmann
Physical Review A 91 (5), 053850, 2015
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Degenerate optomechanical parametric oscillators: Cooling in the vicinity of a critical point
P Degenfeld-Schonburg, M Abdi, MJ Hartmann, C Navarrete-Benlloch
Physical Review A 93 (2), 023819, 2016
Mandat: German Research Foundation, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research …
Sub-Planck structures: Analogies between the Heisenberg-Weyl and SU (2) groups
N Akhtar, BC Sanders, C Navarrete-Benlloch
Physical Review A 103 (5), 053711, 2021
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Classical and quantum-linearized descriptions of degenerate optomechanical parametric oscillators
S Pina-Otey, F Jiménez, P Degenfeld-Schonburg, C Navarrete-Benlloch
Physical Review A 93 (3), 033835, 2016
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Deep recurrent networks predicting the gap evolution in adiabatic quantum computing
N Mohseni, C Navarrete-Benlloch, T Byrnes, F Marquardt
Quantum 7, 1039, 2023
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Floquet theory for temporal correlations and spectra in time-periodic open quantum systems: Application to squeezed parametric oscillation beyond the rotating-wave approximation
C Navarrete-Benlloch, R Garcés, N Mohseni, GJ de Valcárcel
Physical Review A 103 (2), 023713, 2021
Mandat: Government of Spain
Pattern formation and exotic order in driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard systems
Z Wang, C Navarrete-Benlloch, Z Cai
Physical Review Letters 125 (11), 115301, 2020
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Deterministic generation of hybrid high- NOON states with Rydberg atoms trapped in microwave cavities
N Mohseni, S Saeidian, JP Dowling, C Navarrete-Benlloch
Physical Review A 101 (1), 013804, 2020
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Dissipative structures in optomechanical cavities
J Ruiz-Rivas, C Navarrete-Benlloch, G Patera, E Roldán, GJ de Valcárcel
Physical Review A 93 (3), 033850, 2016
Mandat: Government of Spain
Active locking and entanglement in type II optical parametric oscillators
J Ruiz-Rivas, GJ De Valcárcel, C Navarrete-Benlloch
New Journal of Physics 20 (2), 023004, 2018
Mandat: Government of Spain
Noncritical generation of nonclassical frequency combs via spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking
C Navarrete-Benlloch, G Patera, GJ de Valcárcel
Physical Review A 96 (4), 043801, 2017
Mandat: Government of Spain
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