Isabella M. Venter
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Higher education students’ perceptions of online learning during COVID-19—A comparative study
DJ Cranfield, A Tick, IM Venter, RJ Blignaut, K Renaud
Education Sciences 11 (8), 403, 2021
Cyber security education is as essential as “the three R's”
IM Venter, RJ Blignaut, K Renaud, MA Venter
Heliyon 5 (12), 2019
Teamwork: can it equip university science students with more than rigid subject knowledge?
RJ Blignaut, IM Venter
Computers & Education 31 (3), 265-279, 1998
Threats to E-government implementation in the civil service: Nigeria as a case study
KK Agbele, NA Azeez, AP Abidoye, AO Adesina, IM Venter, AS Oyewole
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 2012
Comparing three countries higher education students’ cyber related perceptions and behaviours during COVID-19
RJ Tick, A, Cranfield, DJ, Venter, IM, Renaud, KV & Blignaut
Electronics 10 (22), 2865, 2021
Towards ensuring scalability, interoperability and efficient access control in a multi-domain grid-based environment
NA Azeez, IM Venter
SAIEE Africa Research Journal 104 (2), 54-68, 2013
Grid security loopholes with proposed countermeasures
NA Azeez, T Iyamu, IM Venter
Computer and Information Sciences II: 26th International Symposium on …, 2012
Co-designing a billing system for voice services in RuralSouth Africa: lessons Learned
C Rey-Moreno, MJ Ufitamahoro, I Venter, WD Tucker
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Symposium on Computing for Development, 83-92, 2014
Is a Multi‑Criteria Evaluation Tool Reserved for Experts?
C Sanga, IM Venter
Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 12 (2), pp151‑162-pp151‑162, 2009
Academic Domains as Political Battlegrounds: A Global Enquiry by 101 Academics in the Fields of Education and Technology
IM Al Lily, A, Foland, J, Stoloff, D, Gogus, A, Erguvan, I, Awshar, M ...
Information Development Journal 33 (3), 270-288, 2017
Empowerment of rural farmers through information sharing using inexpensive technologies
ML Iraba, IM Venter
Proceedings of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and …, 2011
Data quality: How the flow of data influences data quality in a small to medium medical practice
M Parker, C Stofberg, R De la Harpe
University of Southampton, 2006
Research methodologies explored for a paradigm shift in university teaching
IM Venter, RJ Blignaut, D Stoltz
South African Journal of Higher Education 15 (2), 163-170, 2001
Towards bridging the digital divide: The complexities of the South African story
IMVAD Daniels
14th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference …, 2020
Diagnosis of the digital landscape in south africa-skills, infrastructure and available technologies
M Venter, L Craffert, D Van Greunen, A Veldsman, M Candi, ...
European Union Erasmus Plus, 2019
Insights into the use and affordances of social and collaborative applications for student projects
OO Bankole, IM Venter
South African Computer Journal 29 (2), 1-15, 2017
Tailoring the interaction between a gold nanocluster and a fluorescent dye by cluster size: creating a toolbox of range-adjustable pH sensors
K Pyo, MF Matus, S Malola, E Hulkko, J Alaranta, T Lahtinen, H Häkkinen, ...
Nanoscale Advances 4 (21), 4579-4588, 2022
Deploying design science research in graduate computing studies in South Africa
IM Venter, R de la Harpe, SR Ponelis, KV Renaud
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 1-11, 2015
Open courseware as a tool for teaching and learning in Africa
C Sanga, ET Lwoga, IM Venter
Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing …, 2006
Approach to computer literacy education in a third world setting
IM Venter, RJ Blignaut
Computers & Education 27 (1), 23-29, 1996
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