Ariadna Morales
Ariadna Morales
Postdoctoral Fellow, Richard Gilder Graduate School, American Museum of Natural History
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Species Delimitation with Gene Flow
ND Jackson, BC Carstens, AE Morales, BC O'Meara
Systematic Biology 66 (5), 799–812. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syw117, 2016
The evolution of phylogeographic data sets
RC Garrick, IAS Bonatelli, C Hyseni, A Morales, TA Pelletier, MF Perez, ...
Molecular ecology 24 (6), 1164-1171, 2015
Integrating gene annotation with orthology inference at scale
BM Kirilenko, C Munegowda, E Osipova, D Jebb, V Sharma, M Blumer, ...
Science 380 (6643), eabn3107, 2023
Speciation with gene flow in North American Myotis bats
AE Morales, ND Jackson, TA Dewey, BC O’Meara, BC Carstens
Systematic Biology 66 (33), 440–452, 2016
PHRAPL: Phylogeographic Inference Using Approximate Likelihoods
ND Jackson, AE Morales, BC Carstens, BC O'Meara
Systematic Biology 66 (6), 1045–1053 doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syx001, 2017
Diversification rates have no effect on the convergent evolution of foraging strategies in the most speciose genus of bats, Myotis
AE Morales, M Ruedi, K Field, BC Carstens
Evolution, doi: 10.1111/evo.13849, 2019
Evidence that Myotis lucifugus ‘subspecies’ are five non-sister species, despite gene flow
AE Morales, BC Carstens
Systematic Biology 67 (5), 756–769, 2018
Gene losses in the common vampire bat illuminate molecular adaptations to blood feeding
M Blumer, T Brown, MB Freitas, AL Destro, JA Oliveira, AE Morales, ...
Science Advances 8 (12), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm6494, 2022
Bat pluripotent stem cells reveal unusual entanglement between host and viruses
M Déjosez, A Marin, GM Hughes, AE Morales, C Godoy-Parejo, JL Gray, ...
Cell 186 (5), 957-974. e28, 2023
A global analysis of bats using automated comparative phylogeography uncovers a surprising impact of Pleistocene glaciation
BC Carstens, AE Morales, K Field, TA Pelletier
Journal of Biogeography 45 (8), 1795-1805, 2018
Environmental niche drives genetic and morphometric structure in a widespread bat
A Morales, F Villalobos, PM Velazco, NB Simmons, D Piñero
Journal of Biogeography 43 (5), 1057-1068, 2016
Objective choice of phylogeographic models
BC Carstens, AE Morales, ND Jackson, BC O'Meara
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 116, 136-140, 2017
Bat genomes illuminate adaptations to viral tolerance and disease resistance
AE Morales, Y Dong, T Brown, K Baid, DG Kontopoulos, V Gonzalez, ...
Nature, 1-10, 2025
Genome-specific histories of divergence and introgression between an allopolyploid unisexual salamander lineage and two ancestral sexual species.
RD Denton, AE Morales, HL Gibbs
Evolution 72 (8), 1689-1700, 2018
Spatial and environmental factors predict skull variation and genetic structure in the cosmopolitan bat Tadarida brasiliensis
AE Morales, M De‐la‐Mora, D Piñero
Journal of Biogeography 45 (7), 1529-1540, 2018
A Vázquez-Lobo, AE Morales García
Herramientas Moleculares Aplicadas en Ecología: Aspectos teóricos y …, 2014
The pale spear-nosed bat: A neuromolecular and transgenic model for vocal learning
SC Vernes, P Devanna, SG Hörpel, I Alvarez van Tussenbroek, U Firzlaff, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1-18, 2022
A new dichromatic species of Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from the Nimba Mountains, Guinea
NB Simmons, J Flanders, EMB Fils, G Parker, JD Suter, S Bamba, ...
American Museum Novitates 2020 (3963), 1-40, 2021
Phylogeography, Population Structure, and Species Delimitation in Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome and Eudyptes moseleyi)
HL Mays Jr, DA Oehler, KW Morrison, AE Morales, A Lycans, J Perdue, ...
Journal of Heredity 110 (7), 801-817, 2019
Comment on “Population genetics reveal Myotis keenii (Keen’s myotis) and Myotis evotis (long-eared myotis) to be a single species”
AE Morales, MB Fenton, BC Carstens, NB Simmons
Canadian Journal of Zoology 99 (5), 415-422, 2021
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