Jose M. Alcaraz Calero
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View on 5G architecture, Version 1.0
PPP Architecture Working Group
URL: https://5g-ppp. eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/5G-PPP-5G-Architecture …, 2016
Using cloud computing to implement a security overlay network
K Salah, JMA Calero, S Zeadally, S Al-Mulla, M Alzaabi
IEEE security & privacy 11 (1), 44-53, 2012
Toward a multi-tenancy authorization system for cloud services
JMA Calero, N Edwards, J Kirschnick, L Wilcock, M Wray
IEEE Security & Privacy 8 (6), 48-55, 2010
5G-QoE: QoE modelling for ultra-HD video streaming in 5G networks
J Nightingale, P Salva-Garcia, JMA Calero, Q Wang
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 64 (2), 621-634, 2018
MonPaaS: An adaptive monitoring platformas a service for cloud computing infrastructures and services
JMA Calero, JG Aguado
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 8 (1), 65-78, 2014
Search and rescue operation using UAVs: A case study
I Martinez-Alpiste, G Golcarenarenji, Q Wang, JM Alcaraz-Calero
Expert Systems with Applications 178, 114937, 2021
Corpus-based approaches to English language teaching
MC Campoy, BB Fortuño, MLG Valor
Continuum Intl Pub Group, 2010
Virtual IoT HoneyNets to mitigate cyberattacks in SDN/NFV-enabled IoT networks
AM Zarca, JB Bernabe, A Skarmeta, JMA Calero
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (6), 1262-1277, 2020
Tracking learners' actual uses of corpora: guided vs non-guided corpus consultation
P Pérez-Paredes, M Sánchez-Tornel, JM Alcaraz Calero, PA Jiménez
Computer Assisted Language Learning 24 (3), 233-253, 2011
Toward an architecture for the automated provisioning of cloud services
J Kirschnick, JMA Calero, L Wilcock, N Edwards
IEEE Communications Magazine 48 (12), 124-131, 2010
Enable advanced QoS-aware network slicing in 5G networks for slice-based media use cases
Q Wang, J Alcaraz-Calero, R Ricart-Sanchez, MB Weiss, A Gavras, ...
IEEE transactions on broadcasting 65 (2), 444-453, 2019
The SELFNET approach for autonomic management in an NFV/SDN networking paradigm
P Neves, R Calé, MR Costa, C Parada, B Parreira, J Alcaraz-Calero, ...
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 12 (2), 2897479, 2016
Wireless sensor systems for space and extreme environments: A review
HF Rashvand, A Abedi, JM Alcaraz-Calero, PD Mitchell, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 14 (11), 3955-3970, 2014
5G PPP Architecture Working Group-View on 5G Architecture, Version 3.0
S Redana, O Bulakci, C Mannweiler, L Gallo, A Kousaridas, D Navrátil, ...
Eur. Commission, Belgium, Tech. Rep. Version 3, 2019
Enabling roaming across heterogeneous IoT wireless networks: LoRaWAN MEETS 5G
EM Torroglosa-Garcia, JMA Calero, JB Bernabe, A Skarmeta
IEEE Access 8, 103164-103180, 2020
5G PPP architecture working group: View on 5G architecture (version 2.0, December 2017)
5G PPP Association, 2017
View on 5G Architecture v5. 0
5G-PPP Architecture Working Group
White paper, Oct, 2021
View on 5G architecture, version 4.0
S Redana
white paper of the 5G-PPP Architecture Working Group, 2021
Elastic monitoring framework for cloud infrastructures
B Konig, JM Alcaraz Calero, J Kirschnick
Iet Communications 6 (10), 1306-1315, 2012
Distributed security for multi-agent systems-review and applications
HF Rashvand, K Salah, JM Alcaraz Calero, L Harn
Information Security, IET 4 (4), 188-201, 2010
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