Alessandro Fedrizzi
Alessandro Fedrizzi
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Photonic boson sampling in a tunable circuit
MA Broome, A Fedrizzi, S Rahimi-Keshari, J Dove, S Aaronson, TC Ralph, ...
Science 339 (6121), 794-798, 2013
Observation of topologically protected bound states in photonic quantum walks
T Kitagawa, MA Broome, A Fedrizzi, MS Rudner, E Berg, I Kassal, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 882, 2012
A wavelength-tunable fiber-coupled source of narrowband entangled photons
A Fedrizzi, T Herbst, A Poppe, T Jennewein, A Zeilinger
Optics Express 15 (23), 15377-15386, 2007
Discrete single-photon quantum walks with tunable decoherence
MA Broome, A Fedrizzi, BP Lanyon, I Kassal, A Aspuru-Guzik, AG White
Physical review letters 104 (15), 153602, 2010
Practical quantum key distribution with polarization entangled photons
A Poppe, A Fedrizzi, R Ursin, HR Böhm, T Lorünser, O Maurhardt, M Peev, ...
Optics Express 12 (16), 3865-3871, 2004
Violation of local realism with freedom of choice
T Scheidl, R Ursin, J Kofler, S Ramelow, XS Ma, T Herbst, L Ratschbacher, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (46), 19708-19713, 2010
Efficient measurement of quantum dynamics via compressive sensing
A Shabani, RL Kosut, M Mohseni, H Rabitz, MA Broome, MP Almeida, ...
Physical review letters 106 (10), 100401, 2011
Conclusive quantum steering with superconducting transition-edge sensors
DH Smith, G Gillett, MP De Almeida, C Branciard, A Fedrizzi, TJ Weinhold, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 625, 2012
High-fidelity transmission of entanglement over a high-loss free-space channel
A Fedrizzi, R Ursin, T Herbst, M Nespoli, R Prevedel, T Scheidl, ...
Nature Physics 5 (6), 389-392, 2009
Direct generation of photon triplets using cascaded photon-pair sources
H Hübel, DR Hamel, A Fedrizzi, S Ramelow, KJ Resch, T Jennewein
Nature 466 (7306), 601-603, 2010
Discrete tunable color entanglement
S Ramelow, L Ratschbacher, A Fedrizzi, NK Langford, A Zeilinger
Physical review letters 103 (25), 253601, 2009
Distributing entanglement and single photons through an intra-city, free-space quantum channel
KJ Resch, M Lindenthal, B Blauensteiner, HR Böhm, A Fedrizzi, ...
Optics Express 13 (1), 202-209, 2005
Two-photon quantum walks in an elliptical direct-write waveguide array
JO Owens, MA Broome, DN Biggerstaff, ME Goggin, A Fedrizzi, ...
New journal of Physics 13 (7), 075003, 2011
Experimental test of local observer independence
M Proietti, A Pickston, F Graffitti, P Barrow, D Kundys, C Branciard, ...
Science advances 5 (9), eaaw9832, 2019
Quantum erasure with causally disconnected choice
XS Ma, J Kofler, A Qarry, N Tetik, T Scheidl, R Ursin, S Ramelow, T Herbst, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (4), 1221-1226, 2013
Measurements on the reality of the wavefunction
M Ringbauer, B Duffus, C Branciard, EG Cavalcanti, AG White, A Fedrizzi
Nature Physics 11 (3), 249-254, 2015
Engineered optical nonlinearity for quantum light sources
AM Brańczyk, A Fedrizzi, TM Stace, TC Ralph, AG White
Optics express 19 (1), 55-65, 2010
Experimental test of nonlocal realistic theories without the rotational symmetry assumption
T Paterek, A Fedrizzi, S Gröblacher, T Jennewein, M Żukowski, ...
Physical Review Letters 99 (21), 210406, 2007
Space-quest, experiments with quantum entanglement in space
R Ursin, T Jennewein, J Kofler, JM Perdigues, L Cacciapuoti, CJ de Matos, ...
Europhysics News 40 (3), 26-29, 2009
Direct characterization of linear-optical networks
S Rahimi-Keshari, MA Broome, R Fickler, A Fedrizzi, TC Ralph, AG White
Optics express 21 (11), 13450-13458, 2013
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