Markus Heydenreich
Markus Heydenreich
Professor of Mathematics, University of Augsburg
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Progress in high-dimensional percolation and random graphs
M Heydenreich, R Van der Hofstad
Springer, 2017
Mean-field behavior for long-and finite range Ising model, percolation and self-avoiding walk
M Heydenreich, R van der Hofstad, A Sakai
Journal of Statistical Physics 132, 1001-1049, 2008
Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori
M Heydenreich, R Van Der Hofstad
Communications in mathematical physics 270 (2), 335-358, 2007
Recurrence versus transience for weight-dependent random connection models
P Gracar, M Heydenreich, C Mönch, P Mörters
Electronic Journal of Probability 27, 1-31, 2022
Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori II: volume, diameter and mixing time
M Heydenreich, R van der Hofstad
Probability theory and related fields 149, 397-415, 2011
Structures in supercritical scale-free percolation
M Heydenreich, T Hulshof, J Jorritsma
Brownian-bridge-based statistical analysis of the DAC INL caused by current mismatch
GI Radulov, M Heydenreich, RW van der Hofstad, JA Hegt, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 54 (2), 146-150, 2007
Random walk on the high-dimensional IIC
M Heydenreich, R van der Hofstad, T Hulshof
Communications in Mathematical Physics 329, 57-115, 2014
High-dimensional incipient infinite clusters revisited
M Heydenreich, R van der Hofstad, T Hulshof
Journal of Statistical Physics 155, 966-1025, 2014
Long-range self-avoiding walk converges to -stable processes
M Heydenreich
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 47 (1), 20-42, 2011
Lace expansion and mean-field behavior for the random connection model
M Heydenreich, R van der Hofstad, G Last, K Matzke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.11356, 2019
Annealed asymptotics for the parabolic Anderson model with a moving catalyst
J Gärtner, M Heydenreich
Stochastic processes and their applications 116 (11), 1511-1529, 2006
Spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry in the presence of defects
M Heydenreich, F Merkl, S Rolles
Law of large numbers for random walks on attractive spin-flip dynamics
SA Bethuelsen, M Heydenreich
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 127 (7), 2346-2372, 2017
Expansion for the critical point of site percolation: the first three terms
M Heydenreich, K Matzke
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 31 (3), 430-454, 2022
Strictly weak consensus in the uniform compass model on
N Gantert, M Heydenreich, T Hirscher
Sharpness versus robustness of the percolation transition in 2d contact processes
J van den Berg, JE Björnberg, M Heydenreich
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2), 513-537, 2015
Mean-field bound on the 1-arm exponent for Ising ferromagnets in high dimensions
S Handa, M Heydenreich, A Sakai
Sojourns in Probability Theory and Statistical Physics-I: Spin Glasses and …, 2019
Functionals of Brownian bridges arising in the current mismatch in D/A converters
M Heydenreich, R van der Hofstad, G Radulov
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 23 (1), 149-172, 2009
Dislocation lines in three-dimensional solids at low temperature
R Bauerschmidt, D Conache, M Heydenreich, F Merkl, SWW Rolles
Annales Henri Poincaré 20, 3019-3057, 2019
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