Frank Verstraete
Frank Verstraete
Theoretical Physics, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Ghent University
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Matrix product states, projected entangled pair states, and variational renormalization group methods for quantum spin systems
F Verstraete, V Murg, JI Cirac
Advances in physics 57 (2), 143-224, 2008
Quantum computation and quantum-state engineering driven by dissipation
F Verstraete, MM Wolf, JI Cirac
Nature Physics 5 (9), 633-636, 2009
Matrix product state representations
D Perez-Garcia, F Verstraete, MM Wolf, JI Cirac
Quantum Information & Computation 7 (5), 401-430, 2007
Matrix product density operators: simulation of finite-temperature and dissipative systems
F Verstraete, JJ Garcia-Ripoll, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 93 (20), 207204, 2004
Matrix product states represent ground states faithfully
F Verstraete, JI Cirac
Physical Review B 73 (9), 094423, 2006
Four qubits can be entangled in nine different ways
F Verstraete, J Dehaene, B De Moor, H Verschelde
Physical Review A 65 (5), 052112, 2002
Renormalization algorithms for quantum-many body systems in two and higher dimensions
F Verstraete, JI Cirac
Arxiv preprint cond-mat/0407066, 2004
Time-dependent variational principle for quantum lattices
J Haegeman, JI Cirac, TJ Osborne, I Pižorn, H Verschelde, F Verstraete
Physical Review Letters 107 (7), 70601, 2011
Area laws in quantum systems: mutual information and correlations
MM Wolf, F Verstraete, MB Hastings, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 100 (7), 70502, 2008
General monogamy inequality for bipartite qubit entanglement
TJ Osborne, F Verstraete
Physical review letters 96 (22), 220503, 2006
Unifying time evolution and optimization with matrix product states
J Haegeman, C Lubich, I Oseledets, B Vandereycken, F Verstraete
Physical Review B 94 (16), 165116, 2016
Density matrix renormalization group and periodic boundary conditions: a quantum information perspective
F Verstraete, D Porras, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 93 (22), 227205, 2004
Lieb-Robinson bounds and the generation of correlations and topological quantum order
S Bravyi, MB Hastings, F Verstraete
Physical review letters 97 (5), 50401, 2006
Matrix product states and projected entangled pair states: Concepts, symmetries, theorems
JI Cirac, D Perez-Garcia, N Schuch, F Verstraete
Reviews of Modern Physics 93 (4), 045003, 2021
Criticality, the area law, and the computational power of projected entangled pair states
F Verstraete, MM Wolf, D Perez-Garcia, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 96 (22), 220601, 2006
Classical simulation of infinite-size quantum lattice systems in two spatial dimensions
J Jordan, R Orús, G Vidal, F Verstraete, JI Cirac
Physical Review Letters 101 (25), 250602, 2008
Discriminating states: the quantum Chernoff bound
KMR Audenaert, J Calsamiglia, R Munoz-Tapia, E Bagan, L Masanes, ...
Physical review letters 98 (16), 160501, 2007
Simulating lattice gauge theories within quantum technologies
MC Banuls, R Blatt, J Catani, A Celi, JI Cirac, M Dalmonte, L Fallani, ...
The European physical journal D 74, 1-42, 2020
Entanglement versus correlations in spin systems
F Verstraete, M Popp, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 92 (2), 27901, 2004
Entropy scaling and simulability by Matrix Product States
N Schuch, MM Wolf, F Verstraete, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 100 (3), 30504, 2008
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