Vladimir Lyakhovsky
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Distributed damage, faulting, and friction
V Lyakhovsky, Y Ben‐Zion, A Agnon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B12), 27635-27649, 1997
Accelerated seismic release and related aspects of seismicity patterns on earthquake faults
Y Ben-Zion, V Lyakhovsky
Earthquake processes: Physical modelling, numerical simulation and data …, 2002
Vesiculation processes in silicic magmas
O Navon, V Lyakhovsky
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 145 (1), 27-50, 1998
Water, salt, and energy balances of the Dead Sea
NG Lensky, Y Dvorkin, V Lyakhovsky, I Gertman, I Gavrieli
Water Resources Research 41 (12), 2005
Analysis of aftershocks in a lithospheric model with seismogenic zone governed by damage rheology
Y Ben-Zion, V Lyakhovsky
Geophysical Journal International 165 (1), 197-210, 2006
An explicit inertial method for the simulation of viscoelastic flow: an evaluation of elastic effects on diapiric flow in two-and three-layers models
ANB Poliakov, PA Cundall, YY Podladchikov, VA Lyakhovsky
Flow and Creep in the Solar System: observations, modeling and Theory, 175-195, 1993
Bubble growth in highly viscous melts: theory, experiments, and autoexplosivity of dome lavas
O Navon, A Chekhmir, V Lyakhovsky
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 160 (3-4), 763-776, 1998
Bubble growth in rhyolitic melts: experimental and numerical investigation
V Lyakhovsky, S Hurwitz, O Navon
Bulletin of volcanology 58, 19-32, 1996
Earthquake cycle, fault zones, and seismicity patterns in a rheologically layered lithosphere
V Lyakhovsky, Y Ben‐Zion, A Agnon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106 (B3), 4103-4120, 2001
Bubble growth during decompression of magma: experimental and theoretical investigation
NG Lensky, O Navon, V Lyakhovsky
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 129 (1-3), 7-22, 2004
Self-driven mode switching of earthquake activity on a fault system
Y Ben-Zion, K Dahmen, V Lyakhovsky, D Ertas, A Agnon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 172 (1-2), 11-21, 1999
A viscoelastic damage model with applications to stable and unstable fracturing
Y Hamiel, Y Liu, V Lyakhovsky, Y Ben-Zion, D Lockner
Geophysical Journal International 159 (3), 1155-1165, 2004
Interpretation of spring recession curves
H Amit, V Lyakhovsky, A Katz, A Starinsky, A Burg
Groundwater 40 (5), 543-551, 2002
Non-linear elastic behaviour of damaged rocks
V Lyakhovsky, Z Reches, R Weinberger, TE Scott
Geophysical Journal International 130 (1), 157-166, 1997
Structural properties and deformation patterns of evolving strike-slip faults: Numerical simulations incorporating damage rheology
Y Finzi, EH Hearn, Y Ben-Zion, V Lyakhovsky
Pure and Applied Geophysics 166 (10), 1537-1573, 2009
The structure, isostasy and gravity field of the Levant continental margin and the southeast Mediterranean area
A Segev, M Rybakov, V Lyakhovsky, A Hofstetter, G Tibor, V Goldshmidt, ...
Tectonophysics 425 (1-4), 137-157, 2006
Coupled evolution of damage and porosity in poroelastic media: theory and applications to deformation of porous rocks
Y Hamiel, V Lyakhovsky, A Agnon
Geophysical Journal International 156 (3), 701-713, 2004
A non-local visco-elastic damage model and dynamic fracturing
V Lyakhovsky, Y Hamiel, Y Ben-Zion
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (9), 1752-1776, 2011
Salt dissolution and sinkhole formation along the Dead Sea shore
E Shalev, V Lyakhovsky, Y Yechieli
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B3), 2006
A viscoelastic damage rheology and rate-and state-dependent friction
V Lyakhovsky, Y Ben-Zion, A Agnon
Geophysical Journal International 161 (1), 179-190, 2005
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