Chinmaya Behera
Chinmaya Behera
Alstom India Bengaluru, Karnataka
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Uncertain wind power forecasting using LSTM‐based prediction interval
A Banik, C Behera, TV Sarathkumar, AK Goswami
IET Renewable Power Generation 14 (14), 2657-2667, 2020
Assessment of equipment trip probability due to voltage sags based on fuzzy possibility distribution function
C Behera, GH Reddy, P Chakrapani, AK Goswami, CP Gupta, GK Singh
IEEE Access 6, 76889-76899, 2018
A probabilistic approach for assessment of financial loss due to equipment outage caused by voltage sag using cost matrix
C Behera, A Banik, J Nandi, GH Reddy, P Chakrapani, AK Goswami
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 30 (3), e12202, 2020
Assessment of financial loss due to voltage sag in an industrial distribution system
C Behera, A Banik, J Nandi, S Dey, GH Reddy, AK Goswami
2019 IEEE 1st International Conference on Energy, Systems and Information …, 2019
Voltage sag mitigation using distributed generation for an industrial distribution system
C Behera, M Debbarma, A Banik, GH Reddy, AK Goswami
2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy …, 2018
A novel approach for voltage sag representation in a chemical industry: A case study
C Behera, A Banik, AK Goswami
Engineering Reports 2 (7), e12198, 2020
Lifetime estimation of electrical equipment in distribution system using modified 3-parameter Weibull distribution
GH Reddy, AN Koundinya, S Gope, C Behera
2021 International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute …, 2021
Impact of electric vehicles on distribution system performance in the presence of solar PV integration
G Hemakumar Reddy, A Badepalli, N Shivaprasad, C Behera, ...
International Journal of Computational Intelligence & IoT 2 (1), 2019
Control and analysis of crucial parameters for an automatic boiler unit in a chemical industry
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 14 (3), 94-103, 2022
Comparative Study of Wireless Power Transfer and Its Future Prospective
SKN Amit Kumar Baghel, Chinmaya Behera, Shankar Amalraj, Ajit Singh
Smart and Intelligent Systems 1, 219-228, 2021
Diagnosis report on voltage sag for different power distribution networks
C Behera, TV Sarahtkumar, PK Kushwaha, AK Goswami
2020 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Applications …, 2020
Synthesis and spectral study of 2, 4-Diaminophenol based copolymer
MS Dhore, AN Bondre, C Behera, S Amalraj
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (1), 012060, 2021
Series compensation technique for the reduction of voltage sag for transmission system
C Behera, S Dey, A Banik, GH Reddy, AK Goswami
International Conference on Innovation in Modern Science and Technology, 287-295, 2019
A fuzzy based crew selection and dispatch system for distribution system restoration after natural disasters
GH Reddy, C Behera, P Chakrapani, AK Goswami, NBD Choudhury
2017 14th IEEE India council international conference (INDICON), 1-5, 2017
System voltage and frequency control using DFIG based wind energy conversion system
AK Goswami, DJ Goswami, C Behera, GH Reddy, P Chakrapaani
2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 766-771, 2016
Impact of Voltage Sag on Market Operation in Electrical Power System
A Sanyal, C Behera, AK Goswami, PK Tiwari
2021 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), 10.1109 …, 2022
Design a robust AC coil contactor with different ferromagnetic materials for improving the voltage sag ride-through capability
AK Baghel, C Behera, SK Nayak, AK Goswami
2022 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid, and …, 2022
Mitigation Study & Fault Detection Analysis Of Transmission Network Including DVR
SKM Yogesh Vijendra Murkute, Chinmay Behera, Sarang V Bhonde, Shradha ...
2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking …, 2021
Random Fault Positioning Based Voltage Sag Assessment for a Large Power Transmission Network
C Beher, SG Arup Kumar Goswami, Galiveeti Hemakumar Reddy
Smart and Intelligent Systems 1, 55-66, 2021
Load frequency control of a single area system: An experimental approach: Part-1
AK Mohanta, R Dash, C Behera, PB Behera
2015 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies …, 2015
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