Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Bin ZhengPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
Multilevel correction adaptive finite element method for solving nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems
F Xu, M Yue, B Zheng
Advances in Computational Mathematics 47 (2), 1-30, 2021
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 12
Error analysis of finite element method for Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations
Y Sun, P Sun, B Zheng, G Lin
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 301 (1), 28-43, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Numerical solution of 3D Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations coupled with classical density functional theory for modeling ion and electron transport in a confined environment
D Meng, B Zheng, G Lin, ML Sushko
Communications in Computational Physics 16 (5), 1298-1322, 2014
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Field-warmed soil carbon changes imply high 21st-century modeling uncertainty
K Todd-Brown, B Zheng, TW Crowther
Biogeosciences 15 (12), 3659-3671, 2018
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Constructing Surrogate Models of Complex Systems with Enhanced Sparsity: Quantifying the Influence of Conformational Uncertainty in Biomolecular Solvation
H Lei, X Yang, B Zheng, G Lin, NA Baker
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 13 (4), 1327-1353, 2015
Mandat: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Superconvergence for Two-Dimensional Interface Problems
H Wei, L Chen, Y Huang, B Zheng
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (4), A1478-A1499, 2014
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Lowest-order weak Galerkin finite element methods for linear elasticity on rectangular and brick meshes
G Harper, J Liu, S Tavener, B Zheng
Journal of Scientific Computing 78 (3), 1917-1941, 2019
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
A homotopy method with adaptive basis selection for computing multiple solutions of differential equations
W Hao, J Hesthaven, G Lin, B Zheng
Journal of Scientific Computing 82 (1), 1-17, 2020
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, American Heart …
A two-level stochastic collocation method for semilinear elliptic equations with random coefficients
L Chen, B Zheng, G Lin, N Voulgarakis
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 315 (1), 195-207, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, National Natural …
An hp-Adaptive Minimum Action Method Based on a Posteriori Error Estimate
X Wan, B Zheng, G Lin
Comm. Compt. Phys. 23, 408-439, 2018
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
The THex algorithm and a simple Darcy solver on hexahedral meshes
G Harper, J Liu, B Zheng
Procedia Computer Science 108, 1903-1912, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Fast Multilevel Solvers for a Class of Discrete Fourth Order Parabolic Problems
B Zheng, LP Chen, X Hu, L Chen, RH Nochetto, J Xu
Journal of Scientific Computing 69 (1), 201--226, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US National …
Uq methods for hpda and cybersecurity models, data, and use cases
DW Engel, KD Jarman, Z Xu, B Zheng, AM Tartakovsky, X Yang, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2015
Mandat: US Department of Energy
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