Laura Villafañe
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Aero-thermal analysis of shielded fine wire thermocouple probes
L Villafañe, G Paniagua
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 65, 214-223, 2013
Thermal analysis and modeling of surface heat exchangers operating in the transonic regime
J Sousa, L Villafañe, G Paniagua
Energy 64, 961-969, 2014
A benchmark for particle-laden turbulent duct flow: A joint computational and experimental study
M Esmaily, L Villafane, AJ Banko, G Iaccarino, JK Eaton, A Mani
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 132, 103410, 2020
Three-dimensional (3D) inverse heat flux evaluation based on infrared thermography
JFL Sousa, S Lavagnoli, G Paniagua, L Villafañe
Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal 9 (2), 177-191, 2012
Stochastic modeling of direct radiation transmission in particle-laden turbulent flow
AJ Banko, L Villafañe, JH Kim, M Esmaily, JK Eaton
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 226, 1-18, 2019
Temperature statistics in a radiatively heated particle-laden turbulent square duct flow
AJ Banko, L Villafañe, JH Kim, JK Eaton
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 84, 108618, 2020
Aerodynamic impact of finned heat exchangers on transonic flows
L Villafañe, G Paniagua
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 97, 223-236, 2018
Development of a transonic wind tunnel to investigate engine bypass flow heat exchangers
L Villafañe, G Paniagua, M Kaya, D Bajusz, S Hiernaux
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2011
A robust method for quantification of preferential concentration from finite number of particles
L Villafañe-Roca, M Esmaily-Moghadam, A Banko, JK Eaton
Center for Turbulence Research Annual Research Briefs, 123-135, 2016
Case study on the influence of electrostatic charges on particle concentration in turbulent duct flows
H Grosshans, L Villafañe, A Banko, MV Papalexandris
Powder Technology 357, 46-53, 2019
Mitigation of turbophoresis in particle-laden turbulent channel flows by using incident electric fields
M Di Renzo, PL Johnson, M Bassenne, L Villafañe, J Urzay
Physical Review Fluids 4 (12), 124303, 2019
Inverse heat flux evaluation using conjugate gradient methods from infrared imaging
J Sousa, L Villafane, S Lavagnoli, G Paniagua
11th International Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, 2012
Millimeter wave interferometry for ejecta concentration measurements in plume-surface interactions
N Rasmont, HT Al-Rashdan, G Elliott, J Rovey, L Villafañe Roca
AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, 2421, 2022
Radiative heating of inertial particles in a particle-laden turbulent duct flow
L Villafane, A Banko, JH Kim, C Elkins, JK Eaton
10th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 2017
Gas heating by radiation absorbing inertial particles in a turbulent duct flow
L Villafañe, A Banko, C Elkins, JK Eaton
Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, 2017
MRV challenge 2: phase locked turbulent measurements in a roughness array
MJ Benson, AJ Banko, CJ Elkins, DG An, S Song, M Bruschewski, ...
Experiments in Fluids 64 (2), 28, 2023
Supersonic underexpanded flow visualization in sub-atmospheric facility
H Al-Rashdan
Proc. AIAA Aviation Forum, 2859, 2021
Spatially distributed measurements of ejecta concentrations in plume-surface interactions using millimeter wave interferometry
N Rasmont, H Al-Rashdan, GS Elliott, J Rovey, L Villafañe Roca
AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 0465, 2023
Experimental study of flow inside a centrifugal fan using magnetic resonance velocimetry
DW Hoffman, L Villafañe, CJ Elkins, JK Eaton
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 142 (4), 041019, 2020
Development of experimental techniques for the characterization of helicoidal fin arrays in transonic flow conditions
L Villafañe, T Yasa, G Paniagua, G Bonfanti
47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 6093, 2011
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