Brandon  C Johnson
Brandon C Johnson
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The origin of lunar mascon basins
HJ Melosh, AM Freed, BC Johnson, DM Blair, JC Andrews-Hanna, ...
Science 340 (6140), 1552-1555, 2013
Impact jetting as the origin of chondrules
BC Johnson, DA Minton, HJ Melosh, MT Zuber
Nature 517 (7534), 339-341, 2015
South Pole–Aitken basin ejecta reveal the Moon’s upper mantle
HJ Melosh, J Kendall, B Horgan, BC Johnson, T Bowling, PG Lucey, ...
Geology 45 (12), 1063-1066, 2017
Impact spherules as a record of an ancient heavy bombardment of Earth
BC Johnson, HJ Melosh
Nature 485 (7396), 75-77, 2012
The reduction of friction in long runout landslides as an emergent phenomenon
BC Johnson, CS Campbell, HJ Melosh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121 (5), 881-889, 2016
Formation of spherules in impact produced vapor plumes
BC Johnson, HJ Melosh
Icarus 217 (1), 416-430, 2012
Formation of the Orientale lunar multiring basin
BC Johnson, DM Blair, GS Collins, HJ Melosh, AM Freed, GJ Taylor, ...
Science 354 (6311), 441-444, 2016
Formation of melt droplets, melt fragments, and accretionary impact lapilli during a hypervelocity impact
BC Johnson, HJ Melosh
Icarus 228, 347-363, 2014
The fractured Moon: Production and saturation of porosity in the lunar highlands from impact cratering
JM Soderblom, AJ Evans, BC Johnson, HJ Melosh, K Miljković, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (17), 6939-6944, 2015
Projectile remnants in central peaks of lunar impact craters
Z Yue, BC Johnson, DA Minton, HJ Melosh, K Di, W Hu, Y Liu
Nature Geoscience 6 (6), 435-437, 2013
Spherule layers, crater scaling laws, and the population of ancient terrestrial impactors
BC Johnson, GS Collins, DA Minton, TJ Bowling, BM Simonson, MT Zuber
Icarus 271, 350-359, 2016
Jetting during vertical impacts of spherical projectiles
BC Johnson, TJ Bowling, HJ Melosh
Icarus 238, 13-22, 2014
The formation of lunar mascon basins from impact to contemporary form
AM Freed, BC Johnson, DM Blair, HJ Melosh, GA Neumann, RJ Phillips, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 119 (11), 2378-2397, 2014
A self-consistent model of the circumstellar debris created by a giant hypervelocity impact in the HD 172555 system
BC Johnson, CM Lisse, CH Chen, HJ Melosh, MC Wyatt, P Thébault, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 761 (1), 45, 2012
Impact-driven mobilization of deep crustal brines on dwarf planet Ceres
CA Raymond, AI Ermakov, JC Castillo-Rogez, S Marchi, BC Johnson, ...
Nature Astronomy 4 (8), 741-747, 2020
Preimpact porosity controls the gravity signature of lunar craters
C Milbury, BC Johnson, HJ Melosh, GS Collins, DM Blair, JM Soderblom, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (22), 9711-9716, 2015
Post-impact thermal structure and cooling timescales of Occator crater on asteroid 1 Ceres
TJ Bowling, FJ Ciesla, TM Davison, JEC Scully, JC Castillo-Rogez, ...
Icarus 320, 110-118, 2019
Dynamic sublimation pressure and the catastrophic breakup of Comet ISON
JK Steckloff, BC Johnson, T Bowling, HJ Melosh, D Minton, CM Lisse, ...
Icarus 258, 430-437, 2015
Formation of the Sputnik Planum basin and the thickness of Pluto's subsurface ocean
BC Johnson, TJ Bowling, AJ Trowbridge, AM Freed
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (19), 10,068-10,077, 2016
Porosity and salt content determine if subduction can occur in Europa's ice shell
BC Johnson, RY Sheppard, AC Pascuzzo, EA Fisher, SE Wiggins
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122 (12), 2765-2778, 2017
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