Shuo Sun
Shuo Sun
Email yang diverifikasi di colorado.edu - Beranda
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4H-silicon-carbide-on-insulator for integrated quantum and nonlinear photonics
DM Lukin, C Dory, MA Guidry, KY Yang, SD Mishra, R Trivedi, ...
Nature Photonics 14, 330–334, 2020
Development of quantum interConnects (QuICs) for next-generation information technologies
D Awschalom, KK Berggren, H Bernien, S Bhave, LD Carr, P Davids, ...
PRX Quantum 2 (1), 017002, 2021
A single-photon switch and transistor enabled by a solid-state quantum memory
S Sun, H Kim, Z Luo, GS Solomon, E Waks
Science 361 (6397), 57-60, 2018
A quantum phase switch between a single solid-state spin and a photon
S Sun, H Kim, GS Solomon, E Waks
Nature Nanotechnology 11, 539–544, 2016
Inverse-designed diamond photonics
C Dory, D Vercruysse, KY Yang, NV Sapra, AE Rugar, S Sun, DM Lukin, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3309, 2019
Strongly Cavity-Enhanced Spontaneous Emission from Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond
JL Zhang, S Sun, MJ Burek, C Dory, YK Tzeng, KA Fischer, Y Kelaita, ...
Nano Letters 18 (2), 1360–1365, 2018
Quantum dot single photon sources with ultra-low multi-photon probability
L Hanschke, KA Fischer, S Appel, D Lukin, J Wierzbowski, S Sun, ...
npj Quantum Information 4, 43, 2018
Nanodiamond integration with photonic devices
M Radulaski, JL Zhang, YK Tzeng, KG Lagoudakis, H Ishiwata, C Dory, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 13 (8), 1800316, 2019
Characterization of optical and spin properties of single tin-vacancy centers in diamond nanopillars
AE Rugar, C Dory, S Sun, J Vučković
Physical Review B 99 (20), 205417, 2019
Cavity-enhanced Raman emission from a single color center in a solid
S Sun, JL Zhang, KA Fischer, MJ Burek, C Dory, KG Lagoudakis, ...
Physical Review Letters 121, 083601, 2018
Generation of tin-vacancy centers in diamond via shallow ion implantation and subsequent diamond overgrowth
AE Rugar, H Lu, C Dory, S Sun, PJ McQuade, ZX Shen, NA Melosh, ...
Nano letters 20 (3), 1614-1619, 2020
Narrow-linewidth tin-vacancy centers in a diamond waveguide
AE Rugar, C Dory, S Aghaeimeibodi, H Lu, S Sun, SD Mishra, ZX Shen, ...
ACS Photonics 7 (9), 2356–2361, 2020
Strain tuning of a quantum dot strongly coupled to a photonic crystal cavity
S Sun, H Kim, GS Solomon, E Waks
Applied Physics Letters 103 (15), 2013
Spectrally reconfigurable quantum emitters enabled by optimized fast modulation
DM Lukin, AD White, MA Guidry, R Trivedi, N Morioka, C Babin, ...
npj Quantum Information 6, 80, 2020
Deterministic Generation of Loss-Tolerant Photonic Cluster States with a Single Quantum Emitter
Y Zhan, S Sun
Physical Review Letters 125, 223601, 2020
Complete coherent control of silicon vacancies in diamond nanopillars containing single defect centers
JL Zhang, KG Lagoudakis, YK Tzeng, C Dory, M Radulaski, Y Kelaita, ...
Optica 4 (11), 1317-1321, 2017
A spin–photon interface using charge-tunable quantum dots strongly coupled to a cavity
Z Luo, S Sun, A Karasahin, AS Bracker, SG Carter, MK Yakes, D Gammon, ...
Nano letters 19 (10), 7072-7077, 2019
Single-shot optical readout of a quantum bit using cavity quantum electrodynamics
S Sun, E Waks
Physical Review A 94 (1), 012307, 2016
Cavity-enhanced optical readout of a single solid-state spin
S Sun, H Kim, GS Solomon, E Waks
Physical Review Applied 9 (5), 054013, 2018
Deterministic generation of entanglement between a quantum-dot spin and a photon
S Sun, E Waks
Physical Review A 90 (4), 042322, 2014
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