Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Stephen JessePelajari lebih lanjut
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Photoinduced bulk polarization and its effects on photovoltaic actions in perovskite solar cells
T Wu, L Collins, J Zhang, PY Lin, M Ahmadi, S Jesse, B Hu
ACS nano 11 (11), 11542-11549, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
Quantitative Description of Crystal Nucleation and Growth from in Situ Liquid Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
AV Ievlev, S Jesse, TJ Cochell, RR Unocic, VA Protopopescu, SV Kalinin
ACS nano 9 (12), 11784-11791, 2015
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Lab on a beam—Big data and artificial intelligence in scanning transmission electron microscopy
SV Kalinin, AR Lupini, O Dyck, S Jesse, M Ziatdinov, RK Vasudevan
MRS Bulletin 44 (7), 565-575, 2019
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Spatially resolved mapping of oxygen reduction/evolution reaction on solid-oxide fuel cell cathodes with sub-10 nm resolution
A Kumar, D Leonard, S Jesse, F Ciucci, EA Eliseev, AN Morozovska, ...
Acs Nano 7 (5), 3808-3814, 2013
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Intermittent contact mode piezoresponse force microscopy in a liquid environment
BJ Rodriguez, S Jesse, S Habelitz, R Proksch, SV Kalinin
Nanotechnology 20 (19), 195701, 2009
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health
Universality of polarization switching dynamics in ferroelectric capacitors revealed by 5D piezoresponse force microscopy
Y Kim, X Lu, S Jesse, D Hesse, M Alexe, SV Kalinin
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (32), 3971-3979, 2013
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Nanoscale mapping of oxygen vacancy kinetics in nanocrystalline Samarium doped ceria thin films
S Doria, N Yang, A Kumar, S Jesse, A Tebano, C Aruta, E Di Bartolomeo, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (17), 2013
Mandat: Government of Italy
Atom-by-atom fabrication by electron beam via induced phase transformations
N Jiang, E Zarkadoula, P Narang, A Maksov, I Kravchenko, A Borisevich, ...
MRS Bulletin 42 (9), 653-659, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Rapid aberration measurement with pixelated detectors
AR Lupini, M Chi, S Jesse
Journal of Microscopy 263 (1), 43-50, 2016
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Nanoscale Probing of Voltage Activated Oxygen Reduction/Evolution Reactions in Nanopatterned (LaxSr1‐x)CoO3‐δ Cathodes
DN Leonard, A Kumar, S Jesse, MD Biegalski, HM Christen, E Mutoro, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (6), 788-797, 2013
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Elasticity Modulation Due to Polarization Reversal and Ionic Motion in the Ferroelectric Superionic Conductor KTiOPO4
G Lindgren, A Ievlev, S Jesse, OS Ovchinnikova, SV Kalinin, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (38), 32298-32303, 2018
Mandat: US Department of Energy, Swedish Research Council
Probing Bias‐Dependent Electrochemical Gas–Solid Reactions in (LaxSr1–x)CoO3–δ Cathode Materials
A Kumar, F Ciucci, D Leonard, S Jesse, M Biegalski, H Christen, E Mutoro, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (40), 5027-5036, 2013
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Decoding apparent ferroelectricity in perovskite nanofibers
R Ganeshkumar, S Somnath, CW Cheah, S Jesse, SV Kalinin, R Zhao
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (48), 42131-42138, 2017
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Building an integrated ecosystem of computational and observational facilities to accelerate scientific discovery
S Somnath, RK Vasudevan, S Jesse, S Kalinin, N Rao, C Brumgard, ...
Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference, 58-75, 2021
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Surface deformations as a necessary requirement for resistance switching at the surface of SrTiO3: N
A Shkabko, MH Aguirre, A Kumar, Y Kim, S Jesse, R Waser, SV Kalinin, ...
Nanotechnology 24 (47), 475701, 2013
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Nanosculpting of complex oxides by massive ionic transfer
D Seol, S Jesse, SJ Park, W Lee, SV Kalinin, Y Kim
Nanotechnology 27 (50), 505703, 2016
Mandat: US Department of Energy
In situ electron-beam processing and cathodoluminescence microscopy for quantum nanophotonics
V Iyer, ST Retterer, J Fowlkes, S Jesse, AA Puretzky, JA Hachtel, PD Rack, ...
Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials XVIII 11675, 8-13, 2021
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Nanoscale Polarization-Dependent Young’s Modulus of Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Single Crystals
M Checa, C Stefani, K Kelley, N Balke, L Collins, G Catalan, S Jesse, ...
ACS nano, 2025
Mandat: European Commission
E-beam Patterning of Atoms in Graphene
O Dyck, AR Lupini, M Yoon, S Jesse
Microscopy and Microanalysis 29 (Supplement_1), 1368-1369, 2023
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Advances of the development of a ferroelectric field-effect transistor on Ge (001)
P Ponath, AB Posadas, Y Ren, X Wu, K Lai, A Demkov, M Schmidt, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology (ICICDT), 1-3, 2017
Mandat: US Department of Defense
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