Kartik Ghosh
Kartik Ghosh
Professor of Physics and Materials Science, Missouri State University
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Critical phenomena in the double-exchange ferromagnet La 0.7 Sr 0.3 MnO 3
K Ghosh, CJ Lobb, RL Greene, SG Karabashev, DA Shulyatev, ...
Physical review letters 81 (21), 4740, 1998
Transition-element doping effects in La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3
K Ghosh, SB Ogale, R Ramesh, RL Greene, T Venkatesan, KM Gapchup, ...
Physical Review B 59 (1), 533, 1999
Structure and magnetic order in La 1− x Ca x MnO 3 (0< x<~ 0. 3 3)
Q Huang, A Santoro, JW Lynn, RW Erwin, JA Borchers, JL Peng, K Ghosh, ...
Physical Review B 58 (5), 2684, 1998
Cobalt nanoparticles for biomedical applications: Facile synthesis, physiochemical characterization, cytotoxicity behavior and biocompatibility
SM Ansari, RD Bhor, KR Pai, D Sen, S Mazumder, K Ghosh, YD Kolekar, ...
Applied Surface Science 414, 171-187, 2017
Magnetotransport anisotropy effects in epitaxial magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) thin films
SB Ogale, K Ghosh, RP Sharma, RL Greene, R Ramesh, T Venkatesan
Physical Review B 57 (13), 7823, 1998
Effect of crystallinity on the magnetoresistance in perovskite manganese oxide thin films
R Shreekala, M Rajeswari, K Ghosh, A Goyal, JY Gu, C Kwon, ...
Applied physics letters 71 (2), 282-284, 1997
Temperature and field dependence of the phase separation, structure, and magnetic ordering in La 1− x Ca x MnO 3 (x= 0.47, 0.50, and 0.53)
Q Huang, JW Lynn, RW Erwin, A Santoro, DC Dender, VN Smolyaninova, ...
Physical Review B 61 (13), 8895, 2000
Correlation between structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of manganese substituted cobalt ferrite
CV Ramana, YD Kolekar, K Kamala Bharathi, B Sinha, K Ghosh
Journal of applied physics 114 (18), 2013
Fabrication and characterization of NiO/ZnO p–n junctions by pulsed laser deposition
RK Gupta, K Ghosh, PK Kahol
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 41 (4), 617-620, 2009
Positive giant magnetoresistance in a heterostructure
K Ghosh, SB Ogale, SP Pai, M Robson, E Li, I Jin, Z Dong, RL Greene, ...
Applied physics letters 73 (5), 689-691, 1998
Copper oxide based nanostructures for improved solar cell efficiency
A Bhaumik, A Haque, P Karnati, MFN Taufique, R Patel, K Ghosh
Thin Solid Films 572, 126-133, 2014
Correlation between magnetic homogeneity, oxygen content, and electrical and magnetic properties of perovskite manganite thin films
M Rajeswari, R Shreekala, A Goyal, SE Lofland, SM Bhagat, K Ghosh, ...
Applied physics letters 73 (18), 2672-2674, 1998
Structural, optical and electrical properties of In doped CdO thin films for optoelectronic applications
RK Gupta, K Ghosh, R Patel, SR Mishra, PK Kahol
Materials Letters 62 (19), 3373-3375, 2008
Improved properties of thin films by addition of silver
R Shreekala, M Rajeswari, SP Pai, SE Lofland, V Smolyaninova, K Ghosh, ...
Applied physics letters 74 (19), 2857-2859, 1999
Reentrant Peak Effect and Melting of a Flux Line Lattice in 2H-Nb Se 2
K Ghosh, S Ramakrishnan, AK Grover, GI Menon, G Chandra, TVC Rao, ...
Physical review letters 76 (24), 4600, 1996
Preparation and characterization of highly conducting and transparent Al doped CdO thin films by pulsed laser deposition
RK Gupta, K Ghosh, R Patel, SR Mishra, PK Kahol
Current Applied Physics 9 (3), 673-677, 2009
Temperature and field dependence of microwave losses in manganite powders
VV Srinivasu, SE Lofland, SM Bhagat, K Ghosh, S Tyagi
Journal of applied physics 86 (2), 1067-1072, 1999
Highly conducting and transparent tin-doped CdO thin films for optoelectronic applications
RK Gupta, K Ghosh, R Patel, SR Mishra, PK Kahol
Materials letters 62 (25), 4103-4105, 2008
Evidence for breakdown of ferromagnetic order below T C in the manganite La 0.8 Ca 0.2 MnO 3
V Chechersky, A Nath, I Isaac, JP Franck, K Ghosh, H Ju, RL Greene
Physical Review B 59 (1), 497, 1999
Eco-Friendly Synthesis, Crystal Chemistry, and Magnetic Properties of Manganese-Substituted CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles
SM Ansari, KC Ghosh, RS Devan, D Sen, PU Sastry, YD Kolekar, ...
ACS omega 5 (31), 19315-19330, 2020
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