Balazs Polgar
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Workflow-driven tool integration using model transformations
A Balogh, G Bergmann, G Csertán, L Gönczy, Á Horváth, I Majzik, ...
Graph Transformations and Model-Driven Engineering: Essays Dedicated to …, 2010
Model-based integration, execution and certification of development tool-chains
B Polgár, I Ráth, Z Szatmári, A Horvath, I Majzik
Model Driven Tool and Process Integration 35, 2009
Association of remote monitoring with survival in heart failure patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy: retrospective observational study
P Bogyi, M Vamos, Z Bari, B Polgar, B Muk, N Nyolczas, RG Kiss, ...
Journal of medical internet research 21 (7), e14142, 2019
A process-graph based formulation of the syndrome-decoding problem
B Polgár, S Nováki, A Pataricza, F Friedler
Proc. of ddecs2001, the 4th ieee design and diagnostics of electronic …, 2001
Needle aspiration for treating iatrogenic pneumothorax after cardiac electronic device implantation: a pilot study
D Domokos, A Szabo, G Banhegyi, B Polgar, Z Bari, P Bogyi, I Marczell, ...
Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 57, 295-301, 2020
The effect of different printing parameters on mechanical and thermal properties of PLA specimens
B Ádám, B Polgár, D Nagy
Gradus 7 (3), 166-173, 2020
The impact of specialised heart failure outpatient care on the long-term application of guideline-directed medical therapy and on prognosis in heart failure with reduced …
B Muk, F Bánfi-Bacsárdi, M Vámos, D Pilecky, Z Majoros, GM Török, ...
Diagnostics 14 (2), 131, 2024
Model-based Integration Framework for Development and Testing Tool-chains
B Polgár, I Ráth, I Majzik
FORMS/FORMAT 2010: Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and …, 2011
On the extension and applicability of the p-graph modeling paradigm to system-level diagnostic problems
B Polgar, E Selenyi, T Bartha
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 6 (2), 2005
3D nyomtatott próbatestek mechanikai vizsgálata
B Ádám, B Polgár
Gradus 6 (1), 185-191, 2019
The integra tool integration framework
B Polgar, I Agoston, G Juhasz, I Majzik
Proc. 12th Symp. on Programming Languages and Software Tools, Tallinn …, 2011
Probabilistic diagnostics with P-graphs
B Polgár, E Selényi
Acta Cybernetica 16 (2), 279-291, 2003
Key influences of VDD (DX) ICD selection: Results from a prospective, national survey
M Vamos, M Nemeth, B Kesoi, R Papp, B Polgar, M Ruppert, C Mikler, ...
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 47 (7), 893-901, 2024
Ontology-based assessment of software models and development processes for safety-critical systems
Z Szatmári, B Izsó, B Polgár, I Majzik
Monographs of System Dependability 2, 2010
Multiprocesszoros rendszerek maximum likelihood diagnosztikája
B Polgár
Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, 2003
Modeling uncertainty in system-level fault diagnosis using process graphs
B Polgár, E Selényi, T Bartha
Distributed and Parallel Systems: Cluster and Grid Computing, 195-202, 2002
Efficiency of p-graph based syndrome decoding
B Polgár, E Selényi
Proceedings of ddecs2002, the 5th ieee design and diagnostics of electronic …, 2002
Designing the reconfiguration strategies of fault tolerant servers
B Polgar
The Third European Dependable Computing Conference, Czech Republic …, 1999
Mechanical dyssynchrony and response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in heart failure patients with right ventricular pacing: a pre-specified subgroup analysis of the …
A Fabian, BK Lakatos, A Kosztin, M Tokodi, R Hatala, JK Wranicz, ...
European Heart Journal 45 (Supplement_1), ehae666. 729, 2024
The proportion of patients suitable for ARNI treatment before and after optimal therapy in HFrEF
B Muk, B Szabo, M Dekany, ZS Majoros, T Borsanyi, D Vagany, B Polgar, ...
European Journal of Heart Failure 17, 89-90, 2015
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