Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - I. SanchezPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
Revisiting the determination of cryptoperiods for authentication primitives in telecommand, telemetry, and payload links
M Juliato, C Gebotys, IA Sanchez
2016 International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for …, 2016
Mandat: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 4
A survey of spoofer detection techniques via radio frequency fingerprinting with focus on the GNSS pre-correlation sampled data
W Wang, I Aguilar Sanchez, G Caparra, A McKeown, T Whitworth, ...
Sensors 21 (9), 3012, 2021
Mandat: Academy of Finland
Analysis and performance evaluation of new coding options for space telecommand links‐Part I: AWGN channels
M Baldi, F Chiaraluce, R Garello, N Maturo, I Aguilar Sanchez, S Cioni
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 33 (6), 509-525, 2015
Mandat: Government of Italy
Analysis and performance evaluation of new coding options for space telecommand links–part II: jamming channels
M Baldi, F Chiaraluce, R Garello, N Maturo, I Aguilar Sanchez, S Cioni
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 33 (6), 527-542, 2015
Mandat: Government of Italy
Advanced coding schemes against jamming in telecommand links
M Baldi, M Bianchi, F Chiaraluce, R Garello, N Maturo, IA Sanchez, ...
MILCOM 2013-2013 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1220-1226, 2013
Mandat: Government of Italy
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