Stepan Bulanov
Stepan Bulanov
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Multi-GeV Electron Beams from Capillary-Discharge-Guided Subpetawatt Laser Pulses in the Self-Trapping Regime
WP Leemans, AJ Gonsalves, HS Mao, K Nakamura, C Benedetti, ...
Physical Review Letters 113 (24), 245002, 2014
Petawatt Laser Guiding and Electron Beam Acceleration to 8 GeV in a Laser-Heated Capillary Discharge Waveguide
AJ Gonsalves, K Nakamura, J Daniels, C Benedetti, C Pieronek, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (8), 084801, 2019
Multiple Colliding Electromagnetic Pulses: A Way to Lower the Threshold of e^{+} e^{-} Pair Production from Vacuum
SS Bulanov, VD Mur, NB Narozhny, J Nees, VS Popov
Physical review letters 104 (22), 220404, 2010
Snapshots of laser wakefields
NH Matlis, S Reed, SS Bulanov, V Chvykov, G Kalintchenko, T Matsuoka, ...
Nature physics 2 (11), 749-753, 2006
Charged particle motion and radiation in strong electromagnetic fields
A Gonoskov, TG Blackburn, M Marklund, SS Bulanov
Reviews of Modern Physics 94 (4), 045001, 2022
Active Plasma Lensing for Relativistic Laser-Plasma-Accelerated Electron Beams
J van Tilborg, S Steinke, CGR Geddes, NH Matlis, BH Shaw, ...
Physical Review Letters 115 (18), 184802, 2015
Accelerating monoenergetic protons from ultrathin foils by flat-top laser pulses in the directed-Coulomb-explosion regime
SS Bulanov, A Brantov, VY Bychenkov, V Chvykov, G Kalinchenko, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (2 …, 2008
Schwinger Limit Attainability with Extreme Power Lasers
SS Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, AGR Thomas, JK Koga, SV Bulanov
Physical review letters 105 (22), 220407, 2010
Generation of GeV protons from 1 PW laser interaction with near critical density targets
SS Bulanov, VY Bychenkov, V Chvykov, G Kalinchenko, DW Litzenberg, ...
Physics of plasmas 17 (4), 2010
Strong Radiation-Damping Effects in a Gamma-Ray Source Generated by the Interaction of a High-Intensity Laser with a Wakefield-Accelerated Electron Beam
AGR Thomas, CP Ridgers, SS Bulanov, BJ Griffin, SPD Mangles
Physical Review X 2 (4), 041004, 2012
e+ e−-pair production by a focused laser pulse in vacuum
NB Narozhny, SS Bulanov, VD Mur, VS Popov
Physics Letters A 330 (1-2), 1-6, 2004
Electromagnetic cascade in high-energy electron, positron, and photon interactions with intense laser pulses
SS Bulanov, CB Schroeder, E Esarey, WP Leemans
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (6), 062110, 2013
Accelerating protons to therapeutic energies with ultraintense, ultraclean, and ultrashort laser pulses
SS Bulanov, A Brantov, VY Bychenkov, V Chvykov, G Kalinchenko, ...
Medical physics 35 (5), 1770-1776, 2008
Relativistic plasma physics in supercritical fields
P Zhang, SS Bulanov, D Seipt, AV Arefiev, AGR Thomas
Physics of Plasmas 27 (5), 2020
Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac versus Landau-Lifshitz radiation friction force in the ultrarelativistic electron interaction with electromagnetic wave (exact solutions)
SV Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, M Kando, JK Koga, SS Bulanov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (5 …, 2011
Electron dynamics and and production by colliding laser pulses
M Jirka, O Klimo, SV Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, E Gelfer, SS Bulanov, ...
Physical Review E 93 (2), 023207, 2016
Electron dynamics and and production by colliding laser pulses
M Jirka, O Klimo, SV Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, E Gelfer, SS Bulanov, ...
Physical Review E 93 (2), 023207, 2016
Electron-positron pair production by electromagnetic pulses
SS Bulanov, NB Narozhny, VD Mur, VS Popov
Journal of experimental and theoretical physics 102, 9-23, 2006
On the design of experiments for the study of extreme field limits in the interaction of laser with ultrarelativistic electron beam
SV Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, Y Hayashi, M Kando, H Kiriyama, JK Koga, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Benchmarking semiclassical approaches to strong-field QED: Nonlinear Compton scattering in intense laser pulses
TG Blackburn, D Seipt, SS Bulanov, M Marklund
Physics of Plasmas 25 (8), 2018
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