Qingyu Kong
Qingyu Kong
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The European X-ray free-electron laser. Technical design report
M Altarelli, R Brinkmann, M Chergui
Hydrated Eutectic Electrolytes with Ligand-Oriented Solvation Shells for Long-Cycling Zinc-Organic Batteries
GC Wuhai Yang, Xiaofan Du, Jingwen Zhao, ZhengChen, Jiajia Li, Jian Xie ...
Joule 4, 1557-1574, 2020
Ultrafast x-ray diffraction of transient molecular structures in solution
H Ihee, M Lorenc, TK Kim, QY Kong, M Cammarata, JH Lee, S Bratos, ...
Science 309 (5738), 1223-1227, 2005
Surface doping to enhance structural integrity and performance of Li‐rich layered oxide
S Liu, Z Liu, X Shen, W Li, Y Gao, MN Banis, M Li, K Chen, L Zhu, R Yu, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (31), 1802105, 2018
Self-assembled framework enhances electronic communication of ultrasmall-sized nanoparticles for exceptional solar hydrogen evolution
XB Li, YJ Gao, Y Wang, F Zhan, XY Zhang, QY Kong, NJ Zhao, Q Guo, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (13), 4789-4796, 2017
Chopper system for time resolved experiments with synchrotron radiation
M Cammarata, L Eybert, F Ewald, W Reichenbach, M Wulff, P Anfinrud, ...
Review of scientific instruments 80 (1), 2009
Native vacancy enhanced oxygen redox reversibility and structural robustness
Y Li, X Wang, Y Gao, Q Zhang, G Tan, Q Kong, S Bak, G Lu, XQ Yang, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (4), 1803087, 2019
Iron migration and oxygen oxidation during sodium extraction from NaFeO2
Y Li, Y Gao, X Wang, X Shen, Q Kong, R Yu, G Lu, Z Wang, L Chen
Nano Energy 47, 519-526, 2018
Impulsive solvent heating probed by picosecond x-ray diffraction
M Cammarata, M Lorenc, TK Kim, JH Lee, QY Kong, E Pontecorvo, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (12), 2006
Ultrafast hole trapping and relaxation dynamics in p-type CuS nanodisks
J Ludwig, L An, B Pattengale, Q Kong, X Zhang, P Xi, J Huang
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (14), 2671-2675, 2015
Uncovering the potential of M1‐site‐activated NASICON cathodes for Zn‐ion batteries
P Hu, Z Zou, X Sun, D Wang, J Ma, Q Kong, D Xiao, L Gu, X Zhou, J Zhao, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (14), 1907526, 2020
Time-Resolved X-ray Scattering of an Electronically Excited State in Solution. Structure of the 3A2u State of Tetrakis-μ-pyrophosphitodiplatinate(II)
M Christensen, K Haldrup, K Bechgaard, R Feidenhans’l, Q Kong, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (2), 502-508, 2009
Electronic and nuclear contributions to time-resolved optical and X-ray absorption spectra of hematite and insights into photoelectrochemical performance
D Hayes, RG Hadt, JD Emery, AA Cordones, ABF Martinson, ML Shelby, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (12), 3754-3769, 2016
Feasibility of Using Li2MoO3 in Constructing Li-Rich High Energy Density Cathode Materials
J Ma, YN Zhou, Y Gao, X Yu, Q Kong, L Gu, Z Wang, XQ Yang, L Chen
Chemistry of Materials 26 (10), 3256-3262, 2014
Boron Substituted Na3V2(P1−xBxO4)3 Cathode Materials with Enhanced Performance for Sodium‐Ion Batteries
P Hu, X Wang, T Wang, L Chen, J Ma, Q Kong, S Shi, G Cui
Advanced science 3 (12), 1600112, 2016
Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Graphene‐like WS2
X Fang, C Hua, C Wu, X Wang, L Shen, Q Kong, J Wang, Y Hu, Z Wang, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 19 (18), 5694-5700, 2013
Influence of monomer feeding on a fast gold nanoparticles synthesis: time-resolved XANES and SAXS experiments
B Abécassis, F Testard, Q Kong, B Francois, O Spalla
Langmuir 26 (17), 13847-13854, 2010
Spatiotemporal Kinetics in Solution Studied by Time‐Resolved X‐Ray Liquidography (Solution Scattering)
TK Kim, JH Lee, M Wulff, Q Kong, H Ihee
ChemPhysChem 10 (12), 1958-1980, 2009
Direct synthesis of all-inorganic heterostructured CdSe/CdS QDs in aqueous solution for improved photocatalytic hydrogen generation
ZJ Li, XB Fan, XB Li, JX Li, F Zhan, Y Tao, X Zhang, QY Kong, NJ Zhao, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (21), 10365-10373, 2017
Misoriented high-entropy iridium ruthenium oxide for acidic water splitting
C Hu, K Yue, J Han, X Liu, L Liu, Q Liu, Q Kong, CW Pao, Z Hu, ...
Science Advances 9 (37), eadf9144, 2023
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