Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Sergio PalazzoPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 8
Towards a software-defined network operating system for the IoT
ACG Anadiotis, L Galluccio, S Milardo, G Morabito, S Palazzo
2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 579-584, 2015
Mandat: European Commission
Reprogramming Wireless Sensor Networks by using SDN-WISE: A hands-on demo
L Galluccio, S Milardo, G Morabito, S Palazzo
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2015
Mandat: Government of Italy
Toward unified control of networks of switches and sensors through a network operating system
ACG Anadiotis, S Milardo, G Morabito, S Palazzo
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (2), 895-904, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
Designing a multi-layer edge-computing platform for energy-efficient and delay-aware offloading in vehicular networks
F Busacca, G Faraci, C Grasso, S Palazzo, G Schembra
Computer Networks 198, 108330, 2021
Mandat: Government of Italy
A smart road side unit in a microeolic box to provide edge computing for vehicular applications
F Busacca, C Grasso, S Palazzo, G Schembra
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 7 (1), 194-210, 2022
Mandat: Government of Italy
Drone-assisted edge computing: A game-theoretical approach
F Busacca, L Galluccio, S Palazzo
IEEE INFOCOM 2020-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2020
Mandat: Government of Italy
Multi-layer offloading at the edge for vehicular networks
F Busacca, C Cirino, G Faraci, C Grasso, S Palazzo, G Schembra
2020 Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference …, 2020
Mandat: Government of Italy
A marketplace model for drone-assisted edge computing in 5G scenarios
F Busacca, L Galluccio, S Palazzo
Computer Networks 219, 109453, 2022
Mandat: Government of Italy
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 16
SDN-WISE: Design, prototyping and experimentation of a stateful SDN solution for WIreless SEnsor networks
L Galluccio, S Milardo, G Morabito, S Palazzo
2015 IEEE conference on computer communications (INFOCOM), 513-521, 2015
Mandat: Government of Italy
Exploiting congestion games to achieve distributed service chaining in NFV networks
S D’Oro, L Galluccio, S Palazzo, G Schembra
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 35 (2), 407-420, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
A game theoretic approach for distributed resource allocation and orchestration of softwarized networks
S D’Oro, L Galluccio, S Palazzo, G Schembra
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (3), 721-735, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Low-complexity distributed radio access network slicing: Algorithms and experimental results
S D’Oro, F Restuccia, T Melodia, S Palazzo
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (6), 2815-2828, 2018
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
A learning approach for low-complexity optimization of energy efficiency in multicarrier wireless networks
S D’Oro, A Zappone, S Palazzo, M Lops
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (5), 3226-3241, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
Electron acceleration in a JET disruption simulation
C Sommariva, E Nardon, P Beyer, M Hoelzl, GTA Huijsmans, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (10), 106022, 2018
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Italy
Exploiting state information to support QoS in software-defined WSNs
P Di Dio, S Faraci, L Galluccio, S Milardo, G Morabito, S Palazzo, P Livreri
2016 Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net), 1-7, 2016
Mandat: Government of Italy
Capacity of a binary droplet-based microfluidic channel with memory and anticipation for flow-induced molecular communications
L Galluccio, A Lombardo, G Morabito, S Palazzo, C Panarello, ...
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (1), 194-208, 2017
Mandat: Government of Italy
Power-efficient resource allocation in C-RANs with SINR constraints and deadlines
S D’Oro, MA Marotta, CB Both, L DaSilva, S Palazzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (6), 6099-6113, 2019
Mandat: Science Foundation Ireland
SDR-LoRa, an open-source, full-fledged implementation of LoRa on Software-Defined-Radios: Design and potential exploitation
F Busacca, S Mangione, S Palazzo, F Restuccia, I Tinnirello
Computer Networks 241, 110194, 2024
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
A learning-based approach to energy efficiency maximization in wireless networks
S d'Oro, A Zappone, S Palazzo, M Lops
2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
A marketplace as a scalable solution to the orchestration problem in sdn/nfv networks
S D'Oro, L Galluccio, S Palazzo, G Schembra
2017 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 1-5, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
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