Hee Taek Yi
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Insulating interlocked ferroelectric and structural antiphase domain walls in multiferroic YMnO3
T Choi, Y Horibe, HT Yi, YJ Choi, W Wu, SW Cheong
Nature materials 9 (3), 253-258, 2010
Ferroelectricity in an Ising chain magnet
YJ Choi, HT Yi, S Lee, Q Huang, V Kiryukhin, SW Cheong
Physical review letters 100 (4), 047601, 2008
Extended carrier lifetimes and diffusion in hybrid perovskites revealed by Hall effect and photoconductivity measurements
Y Chen, HT Yi, X Wu, R Haroldson, YN Gartstein, YI Rodionov, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12253, 2016
Mechanism of the Switchable Photovoltaic Effect in Ferroelectric BiFeO3
HT Yi, T Choi, SG Choi, YS Oh, SW Cheong
Advanced Materials 23 (30), 3403-3407, 2011
Ultra-flexible solution-processed organic field-effect transistors
HT Yi, MM Payne, JE Anthony, V Podzorov
Nature communications 3 (1), 1259, 2012
Formation of Pancakelike Ising Domains and Giant Magnetic Coercivity <?format ?>in Ferrimagnetic
W Wu, V Kiryukhin, HJ Noh, KT Ko, JH Park, W Ratcliff, PA Sharma, ...
Physical review letters 101 (13), 137203, 2008
Intrinsic charge transport across phase transitions in hybrid organo-inorganic perovskites
HT Yi, X Wu, X Zhu, V Podzorov
Adv. Mater 28 (30), 6509-6514, 2016
Charge carrier coherence and Hall effect in organic semiconductors
HT Yi, YN Gartstein, V Podzorov
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23650, 2016
Optical Diode Effect at Spin-Wave Excitations of the Room-Temperature Multiferroic
I Kézsmárki, U Nagel, S Bordács, RS Fishman, JH Lee, HT Yi, ...
Physical review letters 115 (12), 127203, 2015
Ultrafast carrier dynamics and radiative recombination in multiferroic BiFeO3
YM Sheu, SA Trugman, YS Park, S Lee, HT Yi, SW Cheong, QX Jia, ...
Applied physics letters 100 (24), 2012
Long-wavelength magnetic and magnetoelectric excitations in the ferroelectric antiferromagnet BiFeO
D Talbayev, SA Trugman, S Lee, HT Yi, SW Cheong, AJ Taylor
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (9), 094403, 2011
Multiferroicity in the square-lattice antiferromagnet of Ba2CoGe2O7
HT Yi, YJ Choi, S Lee, SW Cheong
Applied physics letters 92 (21), 2008
Trap healing and ultralow-noise Hall effect at the surface of organic semiconductors
B Lee, Y Chen, D Fu, HT Yi, K Czelen, H Najafov, V Podzorov
Nature materials 12 (12), 1125-1129, 2013
High-resolution ac measurements of the Hall effect in organic field-effect transistors
Y Chen, HT Yi, V Podzorov
Physical Review Applied 5 (3), 034008, 2016
Terahertz Spectroscopy of Spin Waves in Multiferroic in High Magnetic Fields
U Nagel, RS Fishman, T Katuwal, H Engelkamp, D Talbayev, HT Yi, ...
Physical review letters 110 (25), 257201, 2013
Tuning the metal-insulator crossover and magnetism in SrRuO3 by ionic gating
HT Yi, B Gao, W Xie, SW Cheong, V Podzorov
Scientific reports 4 (1), 6604, 2014
Macroscopic phase diagram and magnetocaloric study of metamagnetic transitions in the spin chain system
P Lampen, NS Bingham, MH Phan, H Srikanth, HT Yi, SW Cheong
Physical Review B 89 (14), 144414, 2014
Order by Static Disorder in the Ising Chain Magnet
V Kiryukhin, S Lee, W Ratcliff, Q Huang, HT Yi, YJ Choi, SW Cheong
Physical review letters 102 (18), 187202, 2009
3: 1 magnetization plateau and suppression of ferroelectric polarization in an Ising chain multiferroic
YJ Jo, S Lee, ES Choi, HT Yi, W Ratcliff, YJ Choi, V Kiryukhin, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (1), 012407, 2009
A large anisotropic enhancement of the charge carrier mobility of flexible organic transistors with strain: A Hall effect and Raman study
HH Choi, HT Yi, J Tsurumi, JJ Kim, AL Briseno, S Watanabe, J Takeya, ...
Advanced Science 7 (1), 1901824, 2020
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