Ann Berrington
Ann Berrington
Professor of Demography, University of Southampton
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Perpetual postponers? Women's, men’s and couple’s fertility intentions and subsequent fertility behaviour
A Berrington
Population trends 117, 9-19, 2004
Gender, turning points, and boomerangs: Returning home in young adulthood in Great Britain
J Stone, A Berrington, J Falkingham
Demography 51 (1), 257-276, 2014
Educational differences in fertility desires, intentions and behaviour: A life course perspective
A Berrington, S Pattaro
Advances in life course research 21, 10-27, 2014
Marital dissolution among the 1958 British birth cohort: The role of cohabitation
A Berrington, I Diamond
Population Studies 53 (1), 19-38, 1999
Towards a new understanding of cohabitation: Insights from focus group research across Europe and Australia
B Perelli-Harris, M Mynarska, A Berrington, C Berghammer, A Evans, ...
Demographic research 31, 1043-1078, 2014
The changing determinants of UK young adults’ living arrangements
J Stone, A Berrington, J Falkingham
Demographic Research 25, 629-666, 2011
Marriage or cohabitation: A competing risks analysis of first-partnership formation among the 1958 British birth cohort
A Berrington, I Diamond
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 163 …, 2000
Marriage patterns and inter-ethnic unions
A Berrington
Office for National Statistics, 1996
Childlessness in the UK
A Berrington
Childlessness in Europe: Contexts, causes, and consequences, 57-76, 2017
An overview of methods for the analysis of panel data
A Berrington, P Smith, P Sturgis
N/A, 2006
Educational aspirations among UK Young Teenagers: Exploring the role of gender, class and ethnicity
A Berrington, S Roberts, P Tammes
British Educational Research Journal 42 (5), 729-755, 2016
Educational differences in timing and quantum of childbearing in Britain: A study of cohorts born 1940–1969
A Berrington, J Stone, E Beaujouan
Demographic Research 33, 733-764, 2015
Marriage and family formation among the white and ethnic minority populations in Britain
A Berrington
Ethnic and Racial Studies 17 (3), 517-546, 1994
The rise in divorce and cohabitation: Is there a link?
B Perelli‐Harris, A Berrington, NS Gassen, P Galezewska, JA Holland
Population and development review 43 (2), 303, 2017
A graphical chain model for reciprocal relationships between women’s gender role attitudes and labour force participation
A Berrington, Y Hu, PWF Smith, P Sturgis
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 171 …, 2008
Entry into parenthood and the outcome of cohabiting partnerships in Britain
A Berrington
Journal of Marriage and Family 63 (1), 80-96, 2001
Commitment and the changing sequence of cohabitation, childbearing, and marriage: Insights from qualitative research in the UK
A Berrington, B Perelli-Harris, P Trevena
Demographic research 33, 327-362, 2015
Socio-demographic predictors of divorce
L Clarke, A Berrington
London, 1999
Consequences of Teenage Parenthood: Pathways which minimise the long term negative impacts of teenage childbearing
A Berrington, I Diamond, R Ingham, J Stevenson, R Borgoni, ...
Department of Health, 2005
Pathways into living alone in mid-life: Diversity and policy implications
D Demey, A Berrington, M Evandrou, J Falkingham
Advances in life course research 18 (3), 161-174, 2013
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