Tim Minshull
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Evolution of magma-poor continental margins from rifting to seafloor spreading
RB Whitmarsh, G Manatschal, TA Minshull
Nature 413 (6852), 150-154, 2001
Escape of methane gas from the seabed along the West Spitsbergen continental margin
GK Westbrook, KE Thatcher, EJ Rohling, AM Piotrowski, H Pälike, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (15), 2009
Velocity structure of a gas hydrate reflector
SC Singh, TA Minshull, GD Spence
Science 260 (5105), 204-207, 1993
Deep structure of the ocean‐continent transition in the southern Iberia Abyssal Plain from seismic refraction profiles: The IAM‐9 transect at 40 20′ N
SM Dean, TA Minshull, RB Whitmarsh, KE Louden
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B3), 5859-5885, 2000
Tectonosedimentary evolution of the deep Iberia‐Newfoundland margins: Evidence for a complex breakup history
G Péron‐Pinvidic, G Manatschal, TA Minshull, DS Sawyer
Tectonics 26 (2), 2007
Elastic properties of hydrate‐bearing sediments using effective medium theory
M Jakobsen, JA Hudson, TA Minshull, SC Singh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B1), 561-577, 2000
Elastic velocity models for gas-hydrate-bearing sediments—A comparison
S Chand, TA Minshull, D Gei, JM Carcione
Geophysical Journal International 159 (2), 573-590, 2004
Age of Seychelles–India break-up
JS Collier, V Sansom, O Ishizuka, RN Taylor, TA Minshull, RB Whitmarsh
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (1-2), 264-277, 2008
Sediment compaction and fluid migration in the Makran accretionary prism
T Minshull, R White
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 94 (B6), 7387-7402, 1989
Three-dimensional tomographic inversion of combined reflection and refraction seismic traveltime data
JWD Hobro, SC Singh, TA Minshull
Geophysical Journal International 152 (1), 79-93, 2003
Deep structure of the ocean‐continent transition in the southern Iberia Abyssal Plain from seismic refraction profiles: Ocean Drilling Program (Legs 149 and 173) transect
D Chian, KE Louden, TA Minshull, RB Whitmarsh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B4), 7443-7462, 1999
Seismic velocity structure at a gas hydrate reflector, offshore western Colombia, from full waveform inversion
TA Minshull, SC Singh, GK Westbrook
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 99 (B3), 4715-4734, 1994
Melt generation at very slow-spreading oceanic ridges: Constraints from geochemical and geophysical data
RS White, TA Minshull, MJ Bickle, CJ Robinson
Journal of Petrology 42 (6), 1171-1196, 2001
Natural gas hydrates on the southeast US margin: Constraints from full waveform and travel time inversions of wide‐angle seismic data
J Korenaga, WS Holbrook, SC Singh, TA Minshull
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B7), 15345-15365, 1997
Thin crust beneath ocean drilling program borehole 735B at the Southwest Indian Ridge?
MR Muller, CJ Robinson, TA Minshull, RS White, MJ Bickle
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 148 (1-2), 93-107, 1997
Estimation of gas hydrate concentration from multi-component seismic data at sites on the continental margins of NW Svalbard and the Storegga region of Norway
GK Westbrook, S Chand, G Rossi, C Long, S Bünz, A Camerlenghi, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (8), 744-758, 2008
Seismic velocity studies of a gas hydrate bottom‐simulating reflector on the northern Cascadia continental margin: Amplitude modeling and full waveform inversion
T Yuan, GD Spence, RD Hyndman, TA Minshull, SC Singh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B1), 1179-1191, 1999
Segmentation and melt supply at the Southwest Indian Ridge
MR Muller, TA Minshull, RS White
Geology 27 (10), 867-870, 1999
Velocity structure of a bottom simulating reflector offshore Peru: Results from full waveform inversion
IA Pecher, TA Minshull, SC Singh, R von Huene
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 139 (3-4), 459-469, 1996
Crustal structure of the Southwest Indian Ridge at 66 E: Seismic constraints
TA Minshull, MR Muller, RS White
Geophysical Journal International 166 (1), 135-147, 2006
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