Michelle Tuckey
Michelle Tuckey
University of South Australia, Flinders University
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Psychosocial safety climate as a lead indicator of workplace bullying and harassment, job resources, psychological health and employee engagement
R Law, MF Dollard, MR Tuckey, C Dormann
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (5), 1782-1793, 2011
Empowering leaders optimize working conditions for engagement: a multilevel study.
MR Tuckey, AB Bakker, MF Dollard
Journal of occupational health psychology 17 (1), 15, 2012
Job demands, work‐family conflict, and emotional exhaustion in police officers: A longitudinal test of competing theories
GB Hall, MF Dollard, MR Tuckey, AH Winefield, BM Thompson
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 83 (1), 237-250, 2010
The influence of motives and goal orientation on feedback seeking
M Tuckey, N Brewer, P Williamson
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 75 (2), 195-216, 2002
Psychosocial safety climate, workplace bullying, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress
SA Bond, MR Tuckey, MF Dollard
Organization Development Journal 28 (1), 37, 2010
Supervisory coaching and performance feedback as mediators of the relationships between leadership styles, work engagement, and turnover intention
MCC Lee, MA Idris, M Tuckey
Human Resource Development International 22 (3), 257-282, 2019
Mindfulness interventions in the workplace: A critique of the current state of the literature.
SD Jamieson, MR Tuckey
Journal of occupational health psychology 22 (2), 180, 2017
The influence of schemas, stimulus ambiguity, and interview schedule on eyewitness memory over time.
MR Tuckey, N Brewer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 9 (2), 101, 2003
National surveillance of psychosocial risk factors in the workplace: An international overview
M Dollard, N Skinner, MR Tuckey, T Bailey
Work & Stress 21 (1), 1-29, 2007
Psychosocial safety climate moderates the job demand–resource interaction in predicting workgroup distress
MF Dollard, MR Tuckey, C Dormann
Accident Analysis & Prevention 45, 694-704, 2012
A methodological review of research on the antecedents and consequences of workplace harassment
AM Neall, MR Tuckey
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 87 (2), 225-257, 2014
Group critical incident stress debriefing with emergency services personnel: a randomized controlled trial
MR Tuckey, JE Scott
Anxiety, Stress & Coping 27 (1), 38-54, 2014
Workplace bullying: The role of psychosocial work environment factors.
MR Tuckey, MF Dollard, PJ Hosking, AH Winefield
International Journal of Stress Management 16 (3), 215, 2009
Hindrances are not threats: advancing the multidimensionality of work stress.
MR Tuckey, B Searle, CM Boyd, AH Winefield, HR Winefield
Journal of occupational health psychology 20 (2), 131, 2015
Emotions in uniform: How nurses regulate emotion at work via emotional boundaries
RM Hayward, MR Tuckey
Human relations 64 (11), 1501-1523, 2011
Workplace bullying erodes job and personal resources: between-and within-person perspectives.
MR Tuckey, AM Neall
Journal of occupational health psychology 19 (4), 413, 2014
Psychosocial safety climate (PSC) and enacted PSC for workplace bullying and psychological health problem reduction
MF Dollard, C Dormann, MR Tuckey, J Escartín
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 26 (6), 844-857, 2017
Psychosocial safety climate as a management tool for employee engagement and performance: A multilevel analysis.
MA Idris, MF Dollard, MR Tuckey
International Journal of Stress Management 22 (2), 183, 2015
Psychosocial safety climate, emotional exhaustion, and work injuries in healthcare workplaces
AJ Zadow, MF Dollard, SS Mclinton, P Lawrence, MR Tuckey
Stress and Health 33 (5), 558-569, 2017
Global and occupation‐specific emotional resources as buffers against the emotional demands of fire‐fighting
MR Tuckey, R Hayward
Applied Psychology 60 (1), 1-23, 2011
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