Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Fabrizio MurtasPelajari lebih lanjut
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Precise measurement of Γ(KS→π+π-(γ))/Γ(KS→π0π0) with the KLOE detector at DAΦNE
F Ambrosino, A Antonelli, M Antonelli, C Bacci, P Beltrame, G Bencivenni, ...
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 48, 767-780, 2006
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Evolution in boron-based GEM detectors for diffraction measurements: from planar to 3D converters
G Albani, EP Cippo, G Croci, A Muraro, E Schooneveld, A Scherillo, ...
Measurement science and technology 27 (11), 115902, 2016
Mandat: UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, European Commission …
Diffraction measurements with a boron-based GEM neutron detector
G Croci, G Albani, C Cazzaniga, EP Cippo, E Schooneveld, G Claps, ...
Europhysics Letters 107 (1), 12001, 2014
Mandat: UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, European Commission …
A GEM-based thermal neutron detector for high counting rate applications
EP Cippo, G Croci, A Muraro, A Menelle, G Albani, M Cavenago, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 10 (10), P10003, 2015
Mandat: Government of Italy
Focusing of 180 GeV/c pions from a point-like source into a parallel beam by a bent silicon crystal
W Scandale, G Arduini, F Cerutti, M Garattini, S Gilardoni, A Lechner, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2019
Mandat: UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, Government of Italy
Development and characterization of a new soft x-ray diagnostic concept for tokamaks
A Muraro, G Claps, G Croci, F Cordella, G Gorini, G Grosso, Z Hu, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 14 (08), C08012, 2019
Mandat: European Commission
Diamondpix: A CVD diamond detector with timepix3 chip interface
G Claps, F Murtas, L Foggetta, C Di Giulio, J Alozy, G Cavoto
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (10), 2743-2753, 2018
Mandat: Government of Italy
Dechanneling of high energy particles in a long bent crystal
W Scandale, G Arduini, F Cerutti, M Garattini, S Gilardoni, A Lechner, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2019
Mandat: UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, Government of Italy
Conceptual design of a neutron diagnostic for 2-D deuterium power density map reconstruction in MITICA
M Rebai, G Croci, G Grosso, A Muraro, EP Cippo, M Tardocchi, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 12 (01), C01007, 2017
Mandat: Government of Italy
Performance of a triple GEM detector equipped with Al-GEM foils for X-rays detection
F Caruggi, S Cancelli, A Celora, F Guiotto, G Croci, M Tardocchi, F Murtas, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2023
Mandat: European Commission
Silicon Carbide characterization at the n_TOF spallation source with quasi-monoenergetic fast neutrons
MH Kushoro, M Rebai, M Dicorato, D Rigamonti, C Altana, C Cazzaniga, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Mandat: Government of Italy
High-rate measurements of the novel BAND-GEM technology for thermal neutron detection at spallation sources
G Albani, EP Cippo, G Croci, A Muraro, R Hall-Wilton, C Höglund, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Mandat: European Commission
The GEMpix detector as new soft X-rays diagnostic tool for laser produced plasmas
G Claps, D Pacella, F Murtas, K Jakubowska, G Boutoux, F Burgy, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (10), 2016
Mandat: European Commission
Focusing of a particle beam by a crystal device with a short focal length
W Scandale, G Arduini, F Cerutti, M Garattini, S Gilardoni, A Masi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2018
Mandat: UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, Government of Italy
Status of the CNESM diagnostic for SPIDER
A Muraro, G Croci, G Albani, C Cazzaniga, G Claps, M Cavenago, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 96, 311-314, 2015
Mandat: Government of Italy
Electronic readout characterisation of a new soft X-ray diagnostic for burning plasma
S Cancelli, A Muraro, EP Cippo, A Abba, G Corradi, G Grosso, G Gorini, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 17 (08), C08028, 2022
Mandat: European Commission
First results of the 2D gas electron multiplier in the dominant electron heating scenario on EAST
E Li, H Qu, L Hu, F Cordella, G Claps, D Pacella, F Murtas, L Zhang, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (10), 106030, 2019
Mandat: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Measurements of multiple scattering of high energy protons in bent silicon crystals
W Scandale, G Arduini, M Butcher, F Cerutti, M Garattini, S Gilardoni, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2017
Mandat: UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, Government of Italy
The CNESM neutron imaging diagnostic for SPIDER beam source
G Croci, A Muraro, EP Cippo, G Grosso, R Pasqualotto, M Cavenago, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 146, 660-665, 2019
Mandat: Government of Italy
The UA9 setup for the double-crystal experiment in CERN-SPS
W Scandale, F Cerutti, LS Esposito, M Garattini, S Gilardoni, D Mirarchi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Mandat: UK Science and Technology Facilities Council
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