Lars Holden
Lars Holden
Man. dir. Norsk Regnesentral
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Modeling of fluvial reservoirs with object models
L Holden, R Hauge, Ø Skare, A Skorstad
Mathematical Geology 30, 473-496, 1998
Global upscaling of permeability in heterogeneous reservoirs; The output least squares (OLS) method
L Holden, BF Nielsen
Transport in Porous Media 40, 115-143, 2000
Quantifying uncertainty in production forecasts: Another look at the PUNQ-S3 problem
J Barker, C Maarten, L Holden
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2000
A numerical method for first order nonlinear scalar conservation laws in one-dimension
H Holden, L Holden, R Høegh-Krohn
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 15 (6-8), 595-602, 1988
A new front-tracking method for reservoir simulation
F Bratvedt, K Bratvedt, CF Buchholz, L Holden, H Holden, NH Risebro
SPE reservoir engineering 7 (01), 107-116, 1992
Sensitivity of the impact of geological uncertainty on production from faulted and unfaulted shallow-marine oil reservoirs: objectives and methods
T Manzocchi, JN Carter, A Skorstad, B Fjellvoll, KD Stephen, JA Howell, ...
Petroleum Geoscience 14 (1), 3-15, 2008
The Genomic HyperBrowser: inferential genomics at the sequence level
GK Sandve, S Gundersen, H Rydbeck, IK Glad, L Holden, M Holden, ...
Genome biology 11, 1-12, 2010
Optimizing reservoir performance under uncertainty with application to well location
SI Aanonsen, AL Eide, L Holden, JO Aasen
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-30710-MS, 1995
Improved sampling‐importance resampling and reduced bias importance sampling
Ø Skare, E Bølviken, L Holden
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 30 (4), 719-737, 2003
Stochastic structural modeling
L Holden, P Mostad, BF Nielsen, J Gjerde, C Townsend, S Ottesen
Mathematical geology 35, 899-914, 2003
Automatic history matching by use of response surfaces and experimental design
AL Eide, L Holden, E Reiso, SI Aanonsen
4th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Roros, Norway, 7-10, 1994
A tensor estimator for the homogenization of absolute permeability
L Holden, O Lia
Transport in porous media 8, 37-46, 1992
Uncertainties in reservoir production forecasts
O Lia, H Omre, H Tjelmeland, L Holden, T Egeland
AAPG bulletin 81 (5), 775-802, 1997
Adaptive independent metropolis–hastings
L Holden, R Hauge, M Holden
Frontline and Frontsim, two full scale, two-phase, black oil reservoir simulators based on front tracking
F Bratvedt, K Bratvedt, CF Buchholz, T Gimse, H Holden, L Holden, ...
Surv. Math. Ind 3 (3), 185-215, 1993
On the strict hyperbolicity of the Buckley–Leverett equations for three-phase flow in a porous medium
L Holden
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 50 (3), 667-682, 1990
Havana—a fault modeling tool
K Hollund, P Mostad, BF Nielsen, L Holden, J Gjerde, MG Contursi, ...
Norwegian petroleum society special publications 11, 157-171, 2002
Designing better decisions
T Egeland, E Hatlebakk, L Holden, EA Larsen
SPE European Petroleum Computer Conference, SPE-24275-MS, 1992
A statistical model of ChIA-PET data for accurate detection of chromatin 3D interactions
J Paulsen, EA Rødland, L Holden, M Holden, E Hovig
Nucleic acids research 42 (18), e143-e143, 2014
A stochastic marked point process model for earthquakes
L Holden, S Sannan, H Bungum
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3 (1/2), 95-101, 2003
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