Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Prasanta K. PanigrahiPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 18
Wigner's form of the Leggett-Garg inequality, the no-signaling-in-time condition, and unsharp measurements
D Saha, S Mal, PK Panigrahi, D Home
Physical Review A 91 (3), 032117, 2015
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Deterministic joint remote state preparation of arbitrary two-qubit state through noisy cluster-GHZ channel
T Dash, R Sk, PK Panigrahi
Optics Communications 464, 125518, 2020
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal modulational instabilities in a planar dual-core waveguide
VK Sharma, A Goyal, TS Raju, CN Kumar, PK Panigrahi
Optical Fiber Technology 24, 119-126, 2015
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Riccati parameterized self-similar waves in two-dimensional graded-index waveguide
KK De, A Goyal, TS Raju, CN Kumar, PK Panigrahi
Optics Communications 341, 15-21, 2015
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Modulational instability in a one-dimensional spin–orbit coupled Bose–Bose mixture
D Singh, MK Parit, TS Raju, PK Panigrahi
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53 (24), 245001, 2020
Mandat: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Sub-fourier quantum metrology through bright solitary trains in Bose–Einstein condensate
S Ghosh, J Bera, PK Panigrahi, U Roy
International Journal of Quantum Information 17 (02), 1950019, 2019
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Cervical pre‐cancer classification using entropic features and CNN: In vivo validation with a handheld fluorescence probe
BS Deo, AN Sah, S Shukla, K Pandey, S Singh, M Pal, PK Panigrahi, ...
Journal of Biophotonics 17 (3), e202300363, 2024
Mandat: Department of Biotechnology, India
A smartphone‐based standalone fluorescence spectroscopy tool for cervical precancer diagnosis in clinical conditions
S Shukla, BS Deo, C Vishwakarma, S Mishra, S Ahirwar, AN Sah, ...
Journal of Biophotonics 17 (6), e202300468, 2024
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Anisotropic quantum cosmology with minimally coupled scalar field
S Ghosh, S Gangopadhyay, PK Panigrahi
Modern Physics Letters A 34 (34), 1950283, 2019
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Super and subluminal propagation in nonlinear Schrödinger equation model with self-steepening and self-frequency shift
A Saini, VM Vyas, TS Raju, SN Pandey, PK Panigrahi
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 24 (03), 1550033, 2015
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Combined control of Akhmediev breather frequency and rogue wave amplitude: An analytical approach
S Loomba, R Gupta, CN Kumar, TS Raju, PK Panigrahi
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 24 (01), 1550007, 2015
Mandat: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Multifractal analysis for detection of different stages in cervical cancer from colposcopy images
BS Deo, M Pal, PK Panigrahi, A Pradhan
Optical Biopsy XXII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis …, 2024
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Generating overlap between compass states and squeezed, displaced, or Fock states
Arman, PK Panigrahi
Physical Review A 109 (3), 033724, 2024
Mandat: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Wavelet scattering transform and entropy features in fluorescence spectral signal analysis for cervical cancer diagnosis
BS Deo, S Nayak, M Pal, PK Panigrahi, A Pradhan
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 10 (4), 045002, 2024
Mandat: Department of Biotechnology, India, Department of Science & Technology, India
𝓟𝓣-symmetry and supersymmetry
A Pal, S Modak, A Shukla, PK Panigrahi
Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 477 (2254), 1-14, 2021
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
The effect of different background beams on the optical rogue waves generated in a graded-index waveguide
A Goyal, TS Raju, CN Kumar, PK Panigrahi
Optics Communications 364, 177-180, 2016
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Spatially Bessel modulated nonlinear optical similaritons in asymmetric twin-core fibers
TS Raju, TB Nancy, CN Kumar, PK Panigrahi
International Conference on Optics and Photonics 2015 9654, 251-254, 2015
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Compression and Propagation of Spatially Modulated Optical Similaritons in Asymmetric Twin-core Fibers
TS Raju, A Prince, PK Panigrahi, CN Kumar
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, M4A. 31, 2014
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 91
A Simulational Model for Witnessing Quantum Effects of Gravity Using IBM Quantum Computer
Manabputra, BK Behera, PK Panigrahi
Quantum Information Processing 19, 119, 2020
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
Experimental realization of quantum cheque using a five-qubit quantum computer
BK Behera, A Banerjee, PK Panigrahi
Quantum Information Processing 16, 1-12, 2017
Mandat: Department of Science & Technology, India
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