Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos
Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos
Professor de Forragicultura, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
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Immune correlates analysis of the mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine efficacy clinical trial
PB Gilbert, DC Montefiori, AB McDermott, Y Fong, D Benkeser, W Deng, ...
Science 375 (6576), 43-50, 2022
Imaging features and safety and efficacy of endovascular stroke treatment: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data
L San Román, BK Menon, J Blasco, M Hernández-Pérez, A Dávalos, ...
The Lancet Neurology 17 (10), 895-904, 2018
Penumbral imaging and functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke treated with endovascular thrombectomy versus medical therapy: a meta-analysis …
BCV Campbell, CBLM Majoie, GW Albers, BK Menon, N Yassi, G Sharma, ...
The Lancet Neurology 18 (1), 46-55, 2019
Effect of general anaesthesia on functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke having endovascular thrombectomy versus standard care: a meta …
BCV Campbell, WH Van Zwam, M Goyal, BK Menon, DWJ Dippel, ...
The Lancet Neurology 17 (1), 47-53, 2018
Early diagnosis of subependymal giant cell astrocytoma in children with tuberous sclerosis
R Nabbout, M Santos, Y Rolland, O Delalande, O Dulac, C Chiron
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 66 (3), 370-375, 1999
Micro-grids project, Part 1: Analysis of rural electrification with high content of renewable energy sources in Senegal
H Camblong, J Sarr, AT Niang, O Curea, JA Alzola, EH Sylla, M Santos
Renewable energy 34 (10), 2141-2150, 2009
Avaliação das características estruturais do capim-braquiária em pastagens adubadas com nitrogênio nas quatro estações do ano
JL Fagundes, DM Fonseca, RV Morais, C Mistura, CMT Vitor, JA Gomide, ...
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 35, 30-37, 2006
More than resveratrol: New insights into stilbene-based compounds
P Pecyna, J Wargula, M Murias, M Kucinska
Biomolecules 10 (8), 1111, 2020
Microgrids project, Part 2: Design of an electrification kit with high content of renewable energy sources in Senegal
JA Alzola, I Vechiu, H Camblong, M Santos, M Sall, G Sow
Renewable Energy 34 (10), 2151-2159, 2009
Effect of CO2 addition to raw milk on proteolysis and lipolysis at 4 C
Y Ma, DM Barbano, M Santos
Journal of Dairy Science 86 (5), 1616-1631, 2003
Capim-braquiária diferido e adubado com nitrogênio: produção e características da forragem
MER Santos, DM Fonseca, EM Balbino, JPIS Monnerat, SP Silva
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 38, 650-656, 2009
E-cadherin expression in canine malignant mammary tumours: relationship to other clinico-pathological variables
AJF Matos, C Lopes, J Carvalheira, M Santos, GR Rutteman, F Gärtner
Journal of comparative pathology 134 (2-3), 182-189, 2006
Caracterização dos perfilhos em pastos de capim-braquiária diferidos e adubados com nitrogênio
MER Santos, DM Fonseca, EM Balbino, JPIS Monnerat, SP Silva
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 38, 643-649, 2009
Ralstonia pickettii and Burkholderia cepacia complex bloodstream infections related to infusion of contaminated water for injection
BM Moreira, M Leobons, F Pellegrino, M Santos, LM Teixeira, ...
Journal of Hospital Infection 60 (1), 51-55, 2005
Correlações entre características morfogênicas e estruturais em pastos de capim-braquiária
MR Santos, DM Da Fonseca, VM Gomes, SP Da Silva, GP Silva, M Reis
Ciência Animal Brasileira/Brazilian Animal Science 13 (1), 49-56, 2012
Produção de bovinos em pastagens de capim-braquiária diferidas
MER Santos, DM Fonseca, VPB Euclides, JI Ribeiro Júnior, ...
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 38, 635-642, 2009
Características estruturais e índice de tombamento de Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk em pastagens diferidas
MER Santos, DM Fonseca, VPB Euclides, D Nascimento Júnior, ...
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 38, 626-634, 2009
Distribution and environmental assessment of trace elements contamination of water, sediments and flora from Douro River estuary, Portugal
C Ribeiro, C Couto, AR Ribeiro, AS Maia, M Santos, ME Tiritan, E Pinto, ...
Science of the Total Environment 639, 1381-1393, 2018
Características morfogênicas e estruturais de perfilhos de capim-braquiária em locais do pasto com alturas variáveis
MER Santos, DM Fonseca, TGS Braz, SP Silva, VM Gomes, GP Silva
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 40, 535-542, 2011
Morphohistological analysis and histochemistry of Feijoa sellowiana somatic embryogenesis
GC Cangahuala-Inocente, N Steiner, M Santos, MP Guerra
Protoplasma 224, 33-40, 2004
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