Anaïs Dréau
Anaïs Dréau
CNRS researcher, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (UMR 5221), Montpellier, France
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Loophole-free Bell inequality violation using electron spins separated by 1.3 kilometres
B Hensen, H Bernien, AE Dréau, A Reiserer, N Kalb, MS Blok, ...
Nature 526 (7575), 682-686, 2015
Strong coupling of a spin ensemble to a superconducting resonator
Y Kubo, FR Ong, P Bertet, D Vion, V Jacques, D Zheng, A Dréau, JF Roch, ...
Physical review letters 105 (14), 140502, 2010
Avoiding power broadening in optically detected magnetic resonance of single NV defects for enhanced dc magnetic field sensitivity
A Dréau, M Lesik, L Rondin, P Spinicelli, O Arcizet, JF Roch, V Jacques
Physical Review B 84 (19), 195204, 2011
Hybrid quantum circuit with a superconducting qubit coupled to a spin ensemble
Y Kubo, C Grezes, A Dewes, T Umeda, J Isoya, H Sumiya, N Morishita, ...
Physical review letters 107 (22), 220501, 2011
Single artificial atoms in silicon emitting at telecom wavelengths
W Redjem, A Durand, T Herzig, A Benali, S Pezzagna, J Meijer, ...
Nature Electronics 3 (12), 738-743, 2020
Quantum frequency conversion of single photons from a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond to telecommunication wavelengths
A Dréau, A Tchebotareva, AE Mahdaoui, C Bonato, R Hanson
Physical review applied 9 (6), 064031, 2018
High-resolution spectroscopy of single NV defects coupled with nearby C nuclear spins in diamond
A Dréau, JR Maze, M Lesik, JF Roch, V Jacques
Physical Review B 85 (13), 134107, 2012
Competition between electric field and magnetic field noise in the decoherence of a single spin in diamond
P Jamonneau, M Lesik, JP Tetienne, I Alvizu, L Mayer, A Dréau, S Kosen, ...
Physical Review B 93 (2), 024305, 2016
Engineered arrays of nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond based on implantation of CN− molecules through nanoapertures
P Spinicelli, A Dréau, L Rondin, F Silva, J Achard, S Xavier, S Bansropun, ...
New Journal of Physics 13 (2), 025014, 2011
Single-shot readout of multiple nuclear spin qubits in diamond under ambient conditions
A Dréau, P Spinicelli, JR Maze, JF Roch, V Jacques
Physical review letters 110 (6), 060502, 2013
Entanglement between a Diamond Spin Qubit and a Photonic Time-Bin Qubit at Telecom Wavelength
A Tchebotareva, SLN Hermans, PC Humhreys, D Voigt, PJ Harmsma, ...
Physical Review Letters 123, 063601, 2019
Loophole-free Bell test using electron spins in diamond: second experiment and additional analysis
B Hensen, N Kalb, MS Blok, AE Dréau, A Reiserer, RFL Vermeulen, ...
Scientific reports 6, 30289, 2016
Broad diversity of near-infrared single-photon emitters in silicon
A Durand, Y Baron, W Redjem, T Herzig, A Benali, S Pezzagna, J Meijer, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (8), 083602, 2021
Storage and retrieval of a microwave field in a spin ensemble
Y Kubo, I Diniz, A Dewes, V Jacques, A Dréau, JF Roch, A Auffèves, ...
Physical Review A 85 (1), 012333, 2012
Detection of single W-centers in silicon
Y Baron, A Durand, P Udvarhelyi, T Herzig, M Khoury, S Pezzagna, ...
ACS Photonics 9 (7), 2337-2345, 2022
Free induction decay of single spins in diamond
JR Maze, A Dréau, V Waselowski, H Duarte, JF Roch, V Jacques
New Journal of Physics 14 (10), 103041, 2012
Decoherence of V $${} _ {{{{{{{{\rm {B}}}}}}}}}^{-} $$ B− spin defects in monoisotopic hexagonal boron nitride
A Haykal, R Tanos, N Minotto, A Durand, F Fabre, J Li, JH Edgar, V Ivady, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-7, 2022
Shallow and deep levels in carbon-doped hexagonal boron nitride crystals
T Pelini, C Elias, R Page, L Xue, S Liu, J Li, JH Edgar, A Dréau, ...
Physical Review Materials 3 (9), 094001, 2019
Electron spin resonance detected by a superconducting qubit
Y Kubo, I Diniz, C Grezes, T Umeda, J Isoya, H Sumiya, T Yamamoto, ...
Physical Review B 86 (6), 064514, 2012
Illustration of quantum complementarity using single photons interfering on a grating
V Jacques, ND Lai, A Dréau, D Zheng, D Chauvat, F Treussart, ...
New Journal of Physics 10 (12), 123009, 2008
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