Maria do Rosario Azevedo
Maria do Rosario Azevedo
Professora Auxiliar, Dep. Geociências, Universidade de Aveiro
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U–Pb zircon and monazite geochronology of Variscan magmatism related to syn-convergence extension in Central Northern Portugal
BV Aguado, MR Azevedo, U Schaltegger, JRM Catalán, J Nolan
Lithos 82 (1-2), 169-184, 2005
Age constraints on the Late Cretaceous alkaline magmatism on the West Iberian Margin
R Miranda, V Valadares, P Terrinha, J Mata, M do Rosario Azevedo, ...
Cretaceous Research 30 (3), 575-586, 2009
Origem e instalação de granitóides variscos na Zona Centro-Ibérica
MR Azevedo, B Valle Aguado
Geologia de Portugal 1, 377-401, 2013
Multibiomarker assessment of three Brazilian estuaries using oysters as bioindicators
FXV Domingos, M Azevedo, MD Silva, MAF Randi, CA Freire, ...
Environmental Research 105 (3), 350-363, 2007
A voltammetric study of the electrodeposition of CuInSe2 in a citrate electrolyte
MCF Oliveira, M Azevedo, A Cunha
Thin Solid Films 405 (1-2), 129-134, 2002
A Bacia do Algarve: Estratigrafia, paleogeografia e tectónica
P Terrinha, R Rocha, J Rey, M Cachão, D Moura, C Roque, L Martins, ...
Geologia de Portugal 2, 29-166, 2013
An assessment of acute biomarker responses in the demersal catfish Cathorops spixii after the Vicuña Oil Spill in a harbour estuarine area in Southern Brazil
A Katsumiti, FXV Domingos, M Azevedo, MD Da Silva, RC Damian, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 152, 209-222, 2009
Enriched mantle source for the Central Atlantic magmatic province: new supporting evidence from southwestern Europe
S Callegaro, C Rapaille, A Marzoli, H Bertrand, M Chiaradia, L Reisberg, ...
Lithos 188, 15-32, 2014
Sedimentary and geochemical characterization and provenance of the Portuguese continental shelf soft-bottom sediments
R Martins, MR Azevedo, R Mamede, B Sousa, R Freitas, F Rocha, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 91 (1), 41-52, 2012
Hercynian late-post-tectonic granitic rocks from the Fornos de Algodres area (Northern Central Portugal)
MR Azevedo, J Nolan
Lithos 44 (1-2), 1-20, 1998
40Ar/39Ar ages and petrogenesis of the West Iberian Margin onshore magmatism at the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition: Geodynamic implications and assessment of open-system …
J Mata, CF Alves, L Martins, R Miranda, J Madeira, N Pimentel, S Martins, ...
Lithos 236, 156-172, 2015
Origin and emplacement of syn-orogenic Variscan granitoids in Iberia the Beiras massif
MR Azevedo, B Valle Aguado, J Nolan, M Martins, J Medina
The southern Variscan Belt.(Carosi R.; Dias, R, 2005
Granite emplacement at the termination of a major Variscan transcurrent shear zone: The late collisional Viseu batholith
BV Aguado, MR Azevedo, J Nolan, J Medina, MM Costa, F Corfu, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 98, 15-37, 2017
Gravimetric and magnetic fabric study of the Sintra Igneous complex: laccolith-plug emplacement in the Western Iberian passive margin
P Terrinha, EL Pueyo, A Aranguren, JC Kullberg, MC Kullberg, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 107, 1807-1833, 2018
Distinct sources for syntectonic Variscan granitoids: Insights from the Aguiar da Beira region, Central Portugal
MM Costa, AMR Neiva, MR Azevedo, F Corfu
Lithos 196, 83-98, 2014
O inventário nacional do património geológico: abordagem metodológica e resultados
JB Brilha, L Alcala, A Almeida, A Araújo, A Azeredo, M Azevedo, F Barriga, ...
GEOlogia e Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (GEOTIC), 2010
New U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages for pre-Variscan orthogneisses from Portugal and their bearing on the evolution of the Ossa-Morena Tectonic Zone
UG Cordani, AP Nutman, AS Andrade, JF Santos, MR Azevedo, ...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 78, 133-149, 2006
Sr isotopic signatures of Portuguese bottled mineral waters and their relationships with the geological setting.
S Ribeiro, MR Azevedo, JF Santos, J Medina, A Costa
Comunicaçõe Geológicas 101, 2014
Permian volcanic rocks from the Apuseni Mountains (Romania): geochemistry and tectonic constraints
I Nicolae, I Seghedi, I Boboş, M do Rosário Azevedo, S Ribeiro, M Tatu
Geochemistry 74 (1), 125-137, 2014
Geochemical associations and their spatial patterns of variation in soil data from the Marrancos gold–tungsten deposit: a pilot analysis
AP Reis, EF Silva, AJ Sousa, C Patinha, E Martins, C Guimarães, ...
AAG/Geological Society of London 9 (4), 319-340, 2009
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