Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Gust M. AnnisPelajari lebih lanjut
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 8
Suitability of Laurentian Great Lakes for invasive species based on global species distribution models and local habitat
AM Kramer, G Annis, ME Wittmann, WL Chadderton, ES Rutherford, ...
Ecosphere 8 (7), e01883, 2017
Mandat: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US National Oceanic and …
Thinking outside of the lake: Can controls on nutrient inputs into Lake Erie benefit stream conservation in its watershed?
SC Keitzer, SA Ludsin, SP Sowa, G Annis, JG Arnold, P Daggupati, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 42 (6), 1322-1331, 2016
Mandat: US Department of Agriculture
Designing coastal conservation to deliver ecosystem and human well-being benefits
GM Annis, DR Pearsall, KJ Kahl, EL Washburn, CA May, R Franks Taylor, ...
PloS one 12 (2), e0172458, 2017
Mandat: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
How much conservation is enough? Defining implementation goals for healthy fish communities in agricultural rivers
SP Sowa, M Herbert, S Mysorekar, GM Annis, K Hall, AP Nejadhashemi, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 42 (6), 1302-1321, 2016
Mandat: US Department of Agriculture
The Great Lakes hydrography dataset: consistent, binational watersheds for the Laurentian Great Lakes basin
DK Forsyth, CM Riseng, KE Wehrly, LA Mason, J Gaiot, T Hollenhorst, ...
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52 (5), 1068-1088, 2016
Mandat: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Predicting spread of aquatic invasive species by lake currents
D Beletsky, R Beletsky, ES Rutherford, JL Sieracki, JM Bossenbroek, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 43 (3), 14-32, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
Refining species distribution model outputs using landscape-scale habitat data: forecasting grass carp and Hydrilla establishment in the Great Lakes region
ME Wittmann, G Annis, AM Kramer, L Mason, C Riseng, ES Rutherford, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 43 (2), 298-307, 2017
Mandat: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US National Oceanic and …
Suitability of Laurentian Great Lakes for invasive species based on global species distribution models and local aquatic habitat
AM Kramer, G Annis, ME Wittmann, WL Chadderton, ES Rutherford, ...
Mandat: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US National Oceanic and …
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