Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Karoline FaustPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 3
Soil microbiome responses to the short‐term effects of Amazonian deforestation
AA Navarrete, SM Tsai, LW Mendes, K Faust, M De Hollander, ...
Molecular ecology 24 (10), 2433-2448, 2015
Mandat: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Species‐sorting and mass‐transfer paradigms control managed natural metacommunities
S Günther, K Faust, J Schumann, H Harms, J Raes, S Müller
Environmental Microbiology 18 (12), 4862-4877, 2016
Mandat: Helmholtz Association
The dynamic of a river model bacterial community in two different media reveals a divergent succession and an enhanced growth of most strains compared to monocultures
L Goetghebuer, M Bonal, K Faust, P Servais, IF George
Microbial ecology 78, 313-323, 2019
Mandat: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 52
Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome
nature 486 (7402), 207-214, 2012
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Research …
Microbial interactions: from networks to models
K Faust, J Raes
Nature Reviews Microbiology 10 (8), 538-550, 2012
Mandat: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Population-level analysis of gut microbiome variation
G Falony, M Joossens, S Vieira-Silva, J Wang, Y Darzi, K Faust, ...
Science 352 (6285), 560-564, 2016
Mandat: Research Foundation (Flanders), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
A framework for human microbiome research
Nature 486 (7402), 215-221, 2012
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Research …
Microbial co-occurrence relationships in the human microbiome
K Faust, JF Sathirapongsasuti, J Izard, N Segata, D Gevers, J Raes, ...
PLoS computational biology 8 (7), e1002606, 2012
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health, Research Foundation (Flanders)
Determinants of community structure in the global plankton interactome
G Lima-Mendez, K Faust, N Henry, J Decelle, S Colin, F Carcillo, ...
Science 348 (6237), 1262073, 2015
Mandat: Research Foundation (Flanders), European Commission, Government of Spain
Correlation detection strategies in microbial data sets vary widely in sensitivity and precision
S Weiss, W Van Treuren, C Lozupone, K Faust, J Friedman, Y Deng, ...
The ISME journal 10 (7), 1669-1681, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Howard …
A framework for human microbiome research
BA Methé, KE Nelson, M Pop, HH Creasy, MG Giglio, C Huttenhower, ...
nature 486 (7402), 215, 2012
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Research …
CoNet app: inference of biological association networks using Cytoscape
K Faust, J Raes
F1000Research 5, 1519, 2016
Mandat: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Metagenomics meets time series analysis: unraveling microbial community dynamics
K Faust, L Lahti, D Gonze, WM De Vos, J Raes
Current opinion in microbiology 25, 56-66, 2015
Mandat: Research Foundation (Flanders), Academy of Finland, European Commission
Computational approaches to predict bacteriophage–host relationships
RA Edwards, K McNair, K Faust, J Raes, BE Dutilh
FEMS microbiology reviews 40 (2), 258-272, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Netherlands …
Earth microbial co-occurrence network reveals interconnection pattern across microbiomes
B Ma, Y Wang, S Ye, S Liu, E Stirling, JA Gilbert, K Faust, R Knight, ...
Microbiome 8, 1-12, 2020
Mandat: US Department of Energy, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Exploring nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses in Tara Oceans microbial metagenomes
P Hingamp, N Grimsley, SG Acinas, C Clerissi, L Subirana, J Poulain, ...
The ISME journal 7 (9), 1678-1695, 2013
Mandat: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Millions of reads, thousands of taxa: microbial community structure and associations analyzed via marker genes
M Bálint, M Bahram, AM Eren, K Faust, JA Fuhrman, B Lindahl, RB O'Hara, ...
FEMS microbiology reviews 40 (5), 686-700, 2016
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Open challenges for microbial network construction and analysis
K Faust
The ISME Journal 15 (11), 3111-3118, 2021
Mandat: Research Foundation (Flanders), European Commission
Identifying genomic and metabolic features that can underlie early successional and opportunistic lifestyles of human gut symbionts
C Lozupone, K Faust, J Raes, JJ Faith, DN Frank, J Zaneveld, JI Gordon, ...
Genome research 22 (10), 1974-1984, 2012
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Research …
Microbial communities as dynamical systems
D Gonze, KZ Coyte, L Lahti, K Faust
Current opinion in microbiology 44, 41-49, 2018
Mandat: Academy of Finland, Wellcome Trust
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