Samuel Ekundayo Oladipo
Samuel Ekundayo Oladipo
Prof. of Applied Psychology, Tai Solarin University of Education
Email yang diverifikasi di tasu.edu.ng - Beranda
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Psychological empowerment and development
SE Oladipo
Edo Journal of Counselling 2 (1), 118-126, 2009
Moral education of the child: Whose responsibility?
SE Oladipo
Journal of Social Sciences 20 (2), 149-156, 2009
Psychosocial factors influencing aggressive driving among commercial and private automobile drivers in Lagos metropolis
SK Balogun, NA Shenge, SE Oladipo
The social science journal 49 (1), 83-89, 2012
Psychological predictors of life satisfaction among undergraduates
SE Oladipo, FA Adenaike, AO Adejumo, KO Ojewumi
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 82, 292-297, 2013
Time perspective and risky behaviors among Nigerian young adults
ZR Mello, SE Oladipo, VC Paoloni, FC Worrell
Journal of Adult Development 26, 161-171, 2019
Demographic predictors of test anxiety among undergraduates
SE Oladipo, A Ogungbamila
International Journal of Learning and Development 1 (2), 62-66, 2013
Psycho-social experiences and coping among caregivers of people living with HIV/AIDS in the North-West province of South Africa
AY Amoateng, I Kalule-Sabiti, SE Oladipo
South African Journal of Psychology 45 (1), 130-139, 2015
Reliability and validity testing of Wagnild and Young’s resilience scale in a sample of Nigerian youth
SE Oladipo, ES Idemudia
Journal of Psychology 6 (1), 57-65, 2015
Exploring the suitability of Rosenberg self-esteem scale for adult use in south-western Nigeria
E Oladipo, Samuel, I Kalule-Sabiti
Gender and Behaviour 12 (1), 6027-6034, 2014
Academic level and student’s faculty as factors of test anxiety among undergraduates in Nigeria
SE Oladipo, A Ogungbamila
International Journal of Development and Sustainability 2 (2), 704-710, 2013
Gender, marital status and religious affiliation as factors of assertiveness among Nigerian education majors
AA Arigbabu, SE Oladipo, MA Owolabi-Gabriel
International Journal of Psychology and counselling 3 (2), 20-23, 2011
How suitable is the satisfaction with Life Scale for use on adolescents in Nigeria
SE Oladipo, SK Balogun
Science Journal of Psychology 2012, 2012
The influence of organisational factors and work-family conflict on organisational commitment among working parents
SS Babalola, SE Oladipo, CO Chovwen
Inkanyiso 7 (1), 29-37, 2015
Influence of HIV testing on knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention practices and transmission among undergraduate youths in North-West University, Mafikeng
P Bigala, AS Ayo, OS Ekundayo
Gender and Behaviour 12 (2), 6286-6300, 2014
Comparative Study Of The Effect Of Study Technology Mode Of Instruction And Lecture Method On The Academic Performance Of University Students In Nigeria: Implication For …
S Oladipo, B Olowoye, A Adenaike
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal (2003-2012) 8 (2), 13, 2010
Psycho-demographic predictors of psychological help-seeking behaviour of undergraduates
SE Oladipo, TO Oyenuga
International Journal of Development and Sustainability 2 (2), 697-703, 2013
Influence Of Job Esteem And Job Status On Organizational Commitment Of Employees Of Selected Banks In Nigeria.
S Balogun, S Oladipo, S Odekunle
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal (2003-2012) 8 (2), 25, 2010
Age and gender factors of test anxiety among undergraduate students in two South-western Nigerian universities
SE Oladipo, AB Ogungbamila, ES Idemudia
Gender and Behaviour 13 (2), 6737-6741, 2015
Examining Correlates of Math Anxiety Among Single-Sex & Co-Educational Schools in Nigeria
AA Arigbabu, SK Balogun, SE Oladipo, OA Ojedokun, SA Opayemi, ...
Global Journal of Human Social Science Linguistics & Education 12 (10), 1-14, 2012
Establishing the reliability and construct validity of the Igbo version of screening activity limitation and safety awareness scale in persons with Hansen disease
PO Ibikunle, SE Oladipo, JN Chukwu, AC Odole, AI Okeke
Leprosy Review 86 (3), 220-228, 2015
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