Anne Laure Humbert
Anne Laure Humbert
Professor of Gender and Statistics, Oxford Brookes University
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Discourse or reality? “Work-life balance”, flexible working policies and the gendered organization
S Lewis, AL Humbert
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 29 (3), 239-254, 2010
Gender, entrepreneurship and motivational factors in an Irish context
AL Humbert, E Drew
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 2 (2), 173-196, 2010
From gender regimes to violence regimes
J Hearn, S Strid, AL Humbert, D Balkmar, M Delaunay
Social Politics, 2020
Women scientists and engineers in European companies: Putting motherhood under the microscope
C Herman, S Lewis, AL Humbert
Gender, Work & Organization 20 (5), 467-478, 2013
Challenging the concept of risk in relation to women’s entrepreneurship
AL Humbert, C Brindley
Gender in Management: An International Journal 30 (1), 2-25, 2015
Gender equality index report
L Bonfils, AL Humbert, V Ivaškaitẹ-Tamošiūnė, AR Manca, L Nobrega, ...
‘Men have careers, women have babies’: unequal parental care among Irish entrepreneurs
E Drew, AL Humbert
Community, Work & Family 15 (1), 49-67, 2012
Gender Equality Index 2015: Measuring Gender Equality in the European Union 2005-2012
AL Humbert, V Ivaškaitė-Tamošiūnė, N Oetke, M Paats
The Perils of Gender Beliefs for Men Leaders as Change Agents for Gender Equality
AL Humbert, E Kelan, M van den Brink
European Management Review, 2018
Women as social entrepreneurs
AL Humbert
Birminghan: Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC), 2012
Gender and nursing as a profession–valuing nurses and paying them their worth
K Clayton-Hathway, H Griffiths, AL Humbert, R McIlroy, S Schutz
Royal College of Nursing and Oxford Brookes University, 2020
Gender balance in the governance of social enterprise
F Lyon, AL Humbert
Local Economy 27 (8), 831-845, 2012
Undoing the ‘Nordic Paradox’
AL Humbert, S Strid, J Hearn, D Balkmar
PLoS ONE, 2021
Prone to “care”? Relating motivations to economic and social performance among women social entrepreneurs in Europe
AL Humbert, MA Roomi
Social Enterprise Journal 14 (3), 312-327, 2018
A Rights-Based Approach to Board Quotas and How Hard Sanctions Work for Gender Equality
AL Humbert, E Kelan, K Clayton-Hathway
European Journal of Women's Studies, 2019
Violence regimes: A useful concept for social politics, social analysis, and social theory
J Hearn, S Strid, AL Humbert, D Balkmar
Theory and Society 51 (4), 565-594, 2022
I have no other life than work: long working hours, blurred boundaries and family life: the case of Irish entrepreneurs
A Humbert, S Lewis
8122v, 2008
Gender gap in pensions in the EU: Research note to the Latvian Presidency
I Burkevica, AL Humbert, N Oetke, M Paats
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), 2015
The moderating effects of single vs multiple-grounds of perceived-discrimination on work-attitudes: Protean careers and self-efficacy roles in explaining intention-to-stay
Y Baruch, AL Humbert, D Wilson
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 35 (3), 232-249, 2016
Gender Equality in Power and Decision-making: Review of the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States
I Burkevica, JR Hill, AL Humbert, V Ivaškaite-Tamošiune, M Karu, N Oetke, ...
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), 2015
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