Daqing Zhang, IEEE Fellow
Daqing Zhang, IEEE Fellow
Chair Professor, Telecom SudParis/Peking University
Email yang diverifikasi di telecom-sudparis.eu - Beranda
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Ontology based context modeling and reasoning using OWL
XH Wang, DQ Zhang, T Gu, HK Pung
IEEE annual conference on pervasive computing and communications workshops …, 2004
A service‐oriented middleware for building context‐aware services
T Gu, HK Pung, DQ Zhang
Journal of Network and computer applications 28 (1), 1-18, 2005
An ontology-based context model in intelligent environments
T Gu, XH Wang, HK Pung, DQ Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.05055, 2020
Modeling user activity preference by leveraging user spatial temporal characteristics in LBSNs
D Yang, D Zhang, VW Zheng, Z Yu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 45 (1), 129-142, 2014
RT-Fall: A real-time and contactless fall detection system with commodity WiFi devices
H Wang, D Zhang, Y Wang, J Ma, Y Wang, S Li
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16 (2), 511-526, 2016
Toward an OSGi-based infrastructure for context-aware applications
T Gu, HK Pung, DQ Zhang
IEEE Pervasive computing 3 (4), 66-74, 2004
A middleware for building context-aware mobile services
T Gu, HK Pung, D Zhang
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC 2004-Spring. 2004 IEEE 59th 5 …, 2004
From participatory sensing to mobile crowd sensing
B Guo, Z Yu, X Zhou, D Zhang
2014 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communication …, 2014
Human respiration detection with commodity WiFi devices: Do user location and body orientation matter?
H Wang, D Zhang, J Ma, Y Wang, Y Wang, D Wu, T Gu, B Xie
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2016
Semantic space: An infrastructure for smart spaces
X Wang, D Zhang, JS Dong, CY Chin, SR Hettiarachchi
IEEE Pervasive Computing 1 (2), 67-74, 2004
Prediction of urban human mobility using large-scale taxi traces and its applications
X Li, G Pan, Z Wu, G Qi, S Li, D Zhang, W Zhang, Z Wang
Frontiers of computer science 6, 111-121, 2012
Opportunistic IoT: Exploring the harmonious interaction between human and the internet of things
B Guo, D Zhang, Z Wang, Z Yu, X Zhou
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 36 (6), 1531-1539, 2013
IndoTrack: Device-free indoor human tracking with commodity Wi-Fi
X Li, D Zhang, Q Lv, J Xiong, S Li, Y Zhang, H Mei
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2017
Land-use classification using taxi GPS traces
G Pan, G Qi, Z Wu, D Zhang, S Li
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (1), 113-123, 2012
Activity recognition on an accelerometer embedded mobile phone with varying positions and orientations
L Sun, D Zhang, B Li, B Guo, S Li
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: 7th International Conference, UIC …, 2010
FarSense: Pushing the range limit of WiFi-based respiration sensing with CSI ratio of two antennas
Y Zeng, D Wu, J Xiong, E Yi, R Gao, D Zhang
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2019
Participatory cultural mapping based on collective behavior data in location-based social networks
D Yang, D Zhang, B Qu
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 7 (3), 1-23, 2016
From taxi GPS traces to social and community dynamics: A survey
PS Castro, D Zhang, C Chen, S Li, G Pan
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 46 (2), 1-34, 2013
Urban traffic modelling and prediction using large scale taxi GPS traces
PS Castro, D Zhang, S Li
International Conference on Pervasive Computing, 57-72, 2012
iBAT: detecting anomalous taxi trajectories from GPS traces
D Zhang, N Li, ZH Zhou, C Chen, L Sun, S Li
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, 99-108, 2011
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