Gregory Neven
Gregory Neven
Chainlink Labs
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Searchable encryption revisited: Consistency properties, relation to anonymous IBE, and extensions
M Abdalla, M Bellare, D Catalano, E Kiltz, T Kohno, T Lange, ...
Journal of Cryptology 21 (3), 350-391, 2008
Multi-signatures in the plain public-key model and a general forking lemma
M Bellare, G Neven
Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2006
Security proofs for identity-based identification and signature schemes
M Bellare, C Namprempre, G Neven
Journal of Cryptology 22 (1), 1-61, 2009
Compact multi-signatures for smaller blockchains
D Boneh, M Drijvers, G Neven
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2018
Simulatable adaptive oblivious transfer
J Camenisch, G Neven, A Shelat
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2007
Oblivious transfer with access control
J Camenisch, M Dubovitskaya, G Neven
Proceedings of the 16th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2009
Robust encryption
M Abdalla, M Bellare, G Neven
Theory of Cryptography Conference, 480-497, 2010
Protection and retrieval of encrypted multimedia content: When cryptography meets signal processing
Z Erkin, A Piva, S Katzenbeisser, RL Lagendijk, J Shokrollahi, G Neven, ...
EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2007, 1-20, 2007
SANA: secure and scalable aggregate network attestation
M Ambrosin, M Conti, A Ibrahim, G Neven, AR Sadeghi, M Schunter
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2016
Unrestricted aggregate signatures
M Bellare, C Namprempre, G Neven
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 411-422, 2007
Distributed single sign-on
J Camenisch, Y Gilad, A Lehmann, G Neven
US Patent 10,164,964, 2018
Identity-based encryption gone wild
M Abdalla, D Catalano, AW Dent, J Malone-Lee, G Neven, NP Smart
Automata, Languages and Programming: 33rd International Colloquium, ICALP …, 2006
Identity-based multi-signatures from RSA
M Bellare, G Neven
Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference, 145-162, 2007
On the security of two-round multi-signatures
M Drijvers, K Edalatnejad, B Ford, E Kiltz, J Loss, G Neven, I Stepanovs
2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 1084-1101, 2019
Get shorty via group signatures without encryption
P Bichsel, J Camenisch, G Neven, NP Smart, B Warinschi
Security and Cryptography for Networks: 7th International Conference, SCN …, 2010
Better zero-knowledge proofs for lattice encryption and their application to group signatures
F Benhamouda, J Camenisch, S Krenn, V Lyubashevsky, G Neven
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2014
Efficient Sequential Aggregate Signed Data
G Neven
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 57 (3), 1803-1815, 2011
Transitive signatures: new schemes and proofs
M Bellare, G Neven
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 51 (6), 2133-2151, 2005
Identity-based cryptography
M Joye, G Neven
IOS press, 2009
The wonderful world of global random oracles
J Camenisch, M Drijvers, T Gagliardoni, A Lehmann, G Neven
Annual international conference on the theory and applications of …, 2018
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