Grant Allan
Grant Allan
Professor, Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde
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The economics of distributed energy generation: A literature review
G Allan, I Eromenko, M Gilmartin, I Kockar, P McGregor
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, 543-556, 2015
The impact of increased efficiency in the industrial use of energy: A computable general equilibrium analysis for the United Kingdom
G Allan, N Hanley, P McGregor, K Swales, K Turner
Energy Economics 29 (4), 779-798, 2007
The economic and environmental impact of a carbon tax for Scotland: A computable general equilibrium analysis
G Allan, P Lecca, P McGregor, K Swales
Ecological economics 100, 40-50, 2014
Levelised costs of Wave and Tidal energy in the UK: Cost competitiveness and the importance of “banded” Renewables Obligation Certificates
G Allan, M Gilmartin, P McGregor, K Swales
Energy Policy 39 (1), 23-39, 2011
Does television crowd out spectators? New evidence from the Scottish Premier League
G Allan, G Roy
Journal of Sports Economics 9 (6), 592-605, 2008
Economic and socio-economic assessment methods for ocean renewable energy: Public and private perspectives
G Dalton, G Allan, N Beaumont, A Georgakaki, N Hacking, T Hooper, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 45, 850-878, 2015
The importance of revenue sharing for the local economic impacts of a renewable energy project: A social accounting matrix approach
G Allan, P Mcgregor, K Swales
Regional Studies 45 (9), 1171-1186, 2011
The regional electricity generation mix in Scotland: A portfolio selection approach incorporating marine technologies
G Allan, I Eromenko, P McGregor, K Swales
Energy Policy 39 (1), 6-22, 2011
The economic impact of regular season sporting competitions: The Glasgow old firm football spectators as sports tourists
G Allan, S Dunlop, K Swales
Journal of Sport Tourism 12 (2), 63-97, 2007
Concurrent and legacy economic and environmental impacts from establishing a marine energy sector in Scotland
GJ Allan, I Bryden, PG McGregor, T Stallard, JK Swales, K Turner, ...
Energy Policy 36 (7), 2734-2753, 2008
The economic impacts of marine energy developments: a case study from Scotland
GJ Allan, P Lecca, PG McGregor, JK Swales
Marine Policy 43, 122-131, 2014
Impact of alternative electricity generation technologies on the Scottish economy: An illustrative input—output analysis
G Allan, PG McGregor, JK Swales, K Turner
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2007
The economic and environmental impacts of UK offshore wind development: The importance of local content
G Allan, D Comerford, K Connolly, P McGregor, AG Ross
Energy 199, 117436, 2020
Muscle drain versus brain gain in association football: technology transfer through player emigration and manager immigration
GJ Allan, J Moffat
Applied Economics Letters 21 (7), 490-493, 2014
Greening regional development: employment in low-carbon and renewable energy activities
G Allan, P McGregor, K Swales
Regional Studies 51 (8), 1270-1280, 2017
The evolution of green jobs in Scotland: A hybrid approach
K Connolly, GJ Allan, SG McIntyre
Energy Policy 88, 355-360, 2016
UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect: Technical Report 4: Computable general equilibrium modelling studies
G Allan, M Gilmartin, K Turner, PG McGregor, JK Swales
UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC), 2007
The impacts of temporary but anticipated tourism spending: An application to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games
GJ Allan, P Lecca, K Swales
Tourism Management 59, 325-337, 2017
Green in the heart or greens in the wallet? The spatial uptake of small-scale renewable technologies
GJ Allan, SG McIntyre
Energy Policy 102, 108-115, 2017
Regional employment impacts of marine energy in the Scottish economy: A general equilibrium approach
M Gilmartin, G Allan
Regional Studies 49 (2), 337-355, 2015
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