Carina Weinmann
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Seriously entertained: Antecedents and consequences of hedonic and eudaimonic entertainment experiences with political talk shows on TV
FS Roth, C Weinmann, FM Schneider, FR Hopp, P Vorderer
Mass Communication and Society 17 (3), 379-399, 2014
Deliberative qualities of generic news frames: Assessing the democratic value of strategic game and contestation framing in election campaign coverage
EM Rinke, H Wessler, C Löb, C Weinmann
Political Communication 30 (3), 474–494, 2013
Learning from entertaining online video clips? Enjoyment and appreciation and their differential relationships with knowledge and behavioral intentions
FM Schneider, C Weinmann, FS Roth, K Knop, P Vorderer
Computers in Human Behavior 54, 475-482, 2016
Political learning through entertainment–only an illusion? How motivations for watching tv political talk shows influence viewers’ experiences.
T Mattheiß, C Weinmann, C Löb, K Rauhe, K Bartsch, FS Roth, ...
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications 25 (4), 171, 2013
Feeling political interest while being entertained? Explaining the emotional experience of interest in politics in the context of political entertainment programs.
C Weinmann
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 6 (2), 123, 2017
A Normative Perspective for Political Entertainment Research: Connecting Deliberative Democracy and Entertainment Theory
C Weinmann, P Vorderer
Communication Theory 28 (4), 466-486, 2018
Curving entertainment: The curvilinear relationship between hedonic and eudaimonic entertainment experiences while watching a political talk show and its implications for …
FS Roth, C Weinmann, FM Schneider, FR Hopp, MJ Bindl, P Vorderer
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 7 (4), 499, 2018
Measuring Political Thinking: Development and Validation of a Scale for “Deliberation Within”
C Weinmann
Political Psychology 39 (2), 365-380, 2018
Understanding and addressing problems in research collaboration: A qualitative interview study from a self-governance perspective
F Meißner, C Weinmann, G Vowe
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 6, 778176, 2022
“I Don’t Care About Politics, I Just Like That Guy!” Affective Disposition and Political Attributes in Information Processing of Political Talk Shows
C Weinmann, FS Roth, FM Schneider, T Krämer, FR Hopp, MJ Bindl, ...
International Journal of Communication 11, 23, 2017
Approaching science by watching TV: what do entertainment programs contribute to viewers’ competence in genetic engineering?
C Weinmann, C Löb, T Mattheiß, P Vorderer
Educational Media International 50 (3), 1-13, 2013
In need of the devil’s advocate? The impact of cross-cutting exposure on political discussion
FM Schneider, C Weinmann
Political Behavior 45 (1), 373-394, 2023
Testing measurement invariance of hedonic and eudaimonic entertainment experiences across media formats
C Weinmann, FM Schneider, FS Roth, MJ Bindl, P Vorderer
Communication Methods and Measures 10 (4), 248-257, 2016
Getting the discipline in communication with itself
P Vorderer, C Weinmann
Journal of Communication 66 (2), 211-214, 2016
Politische Polarisierung in und durch Massenmedien und soziale Medien auf Mikro-, Meso-und Makro-Ebene
C Eilders, O Kelm, C Weinmann
Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 35 (2), 351-366, 2022
Saving Tiger, Orangutan & Co: how subjective knowledge and text complexity influence online information seeking and behavior
JB Schmitt, FM Schneider, C Weinmann, FS Roth
Information, Communication & Society 22 (9), 1193-1211, 2019
Permanent entertainment and political behavior
RL Holbert, C Weinmann, N Robinson
Permanently online, permanently connected: Living and communicating in a …, 2018
The normative value of political entertainment: Deliberative antecedents and consequences of media users’ entertainment experiences
C Weinmann
Studies in Communication and Media 8 (2), 135-170, 2019
How do researchers perceive problems in research collaboration? Results from a large-scale study of German scientists
C Weinmann, M Hückstädt, F Meißner, G Vowe
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 8, 1106482, 2023
Gute Unterhaltung?! Lernen und Bildung mit unterhaltenden Medienangeboten
FM Schneider, K Knop-Huelss, N Krömer, S Reich, C Weinmann
The In-Mind: IM [deutsche Ausgabe] 5 (3), 1-3, 2014
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