Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - David M ReinerPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
Changing trends of the elasticity of China's carbon emission intensity to industry structure and energy efficiency
F Wang, X Sun, DM Reiner, M Wu
Energy economics 86, 104679, 2020
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 42
Carbon capture and storage (CCS): the way forward
M Bui, CS Adjiman, A Bardow, EJ Anthony, A Boston, S Brown, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (5), 1062-1176, 2018
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Structural decline in China’s CO2 emissions through transitions in industry and energy systems
D Guan, J Meng, DM Reiner, N Zhang, Y Shan, Z Mi, S Shao, Z Liu, ...
Nature Geoscience 11 (8), 551-555, 2018
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Economic and Social …
Direct air capture: process technology, techno-economic and socio-political challenges
M Erans, ES Sanz-Pérez, DP Hanak, Z Clulow, DM Reiner, GA Mutch
Energy & Environmental Science 15 (4), 1360-1405, 2022
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
The political economy of negative emissions technologies: consequences for international policy design
M Honegger, D Reiner
Climate policy 18 (3), 306-321, 2018
Mandat: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Equity in allocating carbon dioxide removal quotas
C Pozo, Á Galán-Martín, DM Reiner, N Mac Dowell, G Guillén-Gosálbez
Nature Climate Change 10 (7), 640-646, 2020
Mandat: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Near-term potential of biofuels, electrofuels, and battery electric vehicles in decarbonizing road transport
I Hannula, DM Reiner
Joule 3 (10), 2390-2402, 2019
Mandat: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Electricity demand and basic needs: Empirical evidence from China's households
X He, D Reiner
Energy Policy 90, 212-221, 2016
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental dimensions of electric vehicle adoption in the United States: A social-media interaction analysis
R Debnath, R Bardhan, DM Reiner, JR Miller
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 152, 111707, 2021
Mandat: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Projecting future carbon emissions from cement production in developing countries
D Cheng, DM Reiner, F Yang, C Cui, J Meng, Y Shan, Y Liu, S Tao, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 8213, 2023
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Natural Environment …
Why Consumers Switch Energy Suppliers: The Role of Individual Attitudes.
X He, D Reiner
Energy Journal 38 (6), 2017
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A Bayesian LSTM model to evaluate the effects of air pollution control regulations in Beijing, China
Y Han, JCK Lam, VOK Li, D Reiner
Environmental Science & Policy 115, 26-34, 2021
Mandat: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Life cycle optimization of BECCS supply chains in the European Union
V Negri, Á Galán-Martín, C Pozo, M Fajardy, DM Reiner, N Mac Dowell, ...
Applied Energy 298, 117252, 2021
Mandat: Government of Spain
Comparing public attitudes towards energy technologies in Australia and the UK: The role of political ideology
Z Clulow, M Ferguson, P Ashworth, D Reiner
Global Environmental Change 70, 102327, 2021
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Sustainable scale-up of negative emissions technologies and practices: where to focus
S Cobo, V Negri, A Valente, DM Reiner, L Hamelin, NM Dowell, ...
Environmental Research Letters 18 (2), 023001, 2023
Mandat: European Commission
Public views of Scotland's path to decarbonization: Evidence from citizens' juries and focus groups
R Ostfeld, DM Reiner
Energy Policy 140, 111332, 2020
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
European industrial energy intensity: innovation, environmental regulation, and price effects
V Ajayi, D Reiner
The Energy Journal 41 (4), 105-128, 2020
Mandat: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Comparing approaches for carbon dioxide removal
N Mac Dowell, DM Reiner, RS Haszeldine
Joule 6 (10), 2233-2239, 2022
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Evolution in inter-firm governance along the transport biofuel value chain in Maritime Silk Road countries
JH Chan, D Reiner
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 122, 268-282, 2019
Mandat: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Diverse community energy futures in Saskatchewan, Canada
M Hurlbert, M Osazuwa-Peters, J Rayner, D Reiner, P Baranovskiy
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 22, 1157-1172, 2020
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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