Audrey Vorburger
Audrey Vorburger
Nama lainnyaAudrey Schaufelberger
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Extremely high reflection of solar wind protons as neutral hydrogen atoms from regolith in space
M Wieser, S Barabash, Y Futaana, M Holmström, A Bhardwaj, ...
Planetary and Space Science 57 (14-15), 2132-2134, 2009
First observation of a mini‐magnetosphere above a lunar magnetic anomaly using energetic neutral atoms
M Wieser, S Barabash, Y Futaana, M Holmström, A Bhardwaj, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (5), 2010
Remote energetic neutral atom imaging of electric potential over a lunar magnetic anomaly
Y Futaana, S Barabash, M Wieser, C Lue, P Wurz, A Vorburger, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (2), 262-266, 2013
A new view on the solar wind interaction with the Moon
A Bhardwaj, MB Dhanya, A Alok, S Barabash, M Wieser, Y Futaana, ...
Geoscience Letters 2, 1-15, 2015
Energetic neutral atom observations of magnetic anomalies on the lunar surface
A Vorburger, P Wurz, S Barabash, M Wieser, Y Futaana, M Holmström, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A7), 2012
Towards a global unified model of Europa’s tenuous atmosphere
C Plainaki, TA Cassidy, VI Shematovich, A Milillo, P Wurz, A Vorburger, ...
Space Science Reviews 214, 1-71, 2018
Energetic neutral atom imaging of the lunar surface
A Vorburger, P Wurz, S Barabash, M Wieser, Y Futaana, C Lue, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (7), 3937-3945, 2013
Europa’s ice-related atmosphere: the sputter contribution
A Vorburger, P Wurz
Icarus 311, 135-145, 2018
Protons in the near‐lunar wake observed by the Sub‐keV Atom Reflection Analyzer on board Chandrayaan‐1
Y Futaana, S Barabash, M Wieser, M Holmström, A Bhardwaj, MB Dhanya, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A10), 2010
Monte-Carlo simulation of Callisto’s exosphere
A Vorburger, P Wurz, H Lammer, S Barabash, O Mousis
Icarus 262, 14-29, 2015
Explorer of Enceladus and Titan (E2T): Investigating ocean worlds' evolution and habitability in the solar system
G Mitri, F Postberg, JM Soderblom, P Wurz, P Tortora, B Abel, JW Barnes, ...
Planetary and space science 155, 73-90, 2018
0.2 to 10 keV electrons interacting with water ice: Radiolysis, sputtering, and sublimation
A Galli, A Vorburger, P Wurz, A Pommerol, R Cerubini, B Jost, O Poch, ...
Planetary and space science 155, 91-98, 2018
Particles and photons as drivers for particle release from the surfaces of the Moon and Mercury
P Wurz, S Fatemi, A Galli, J Halekas, Y Harada, N Jäggi, J Jasinski, ...
Space science reviews 218 (3), 10, 2022
Global major-element maps of Mercury from four years of MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer observations
LR Nittler, EA Frank, SZ Weider, E Crapster-Pregont, A Vorburger, ...
Icarus 345, 113716, 2020
First direct observation of sputtered lunar oxygen
A Vorburger, P Wurz, S Barabash, M Wieser, Y Futaana, M Holmström, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119 (2), 709-722, 2014
Evaluation of visual and auditory feedback in virtual obstacle walking
M Wellner, A Schaufelberger, J Zitzewitz, R Riener
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 17 (5), 512-524, 2008
Particle environment package (PEP)
S Barabash, P Wurz, P Brandt, M Wieser, M Holmström, Y Futaana, ...
European planetary science congress, EPSC2013-709, 2013
Mercury's subsolar sodium exosphere: An ab initio calculation to interpret MASCS/UVVS observations from MESSENGER
D Gamborino, A Vorburger, P Wurz
Annales Geophysicae 37 (4), 455-470, 2019
Sputtering of water ice films: A re-assessment with singly and doubly charged oxygen and argon ions, molecular oxygen, and electrons
A Galli, A Vorburger, P Wurz, M Tulej
Icarus 291, 36-45, 2017
3D Monte-Carlo simulation of Ganymede’s water exosphere
A Vorburger, S Fatemi, A Galli, L Liuzzo, AR Poppe, P Wurz
Icarus 375, 114810, 2022
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