Martha Stone Palmer
Martha Stone Palmer
Professor of Linguistics, Computer Science, University of Colorado
Email yang diverifikasi di colorado.edu - Beranda
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Verb semantics and lexical selection
Z Wu, M Palmer
arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9406033, 1994
The proposition bank: An annotated corpus of semantic roles
M Palmer, D Gildea, P Kingsbury
Computational linguistics 31 (1), 71-106, 2005
Abstract meaning representation for sembanking
L Banarescu, C Bonial, S Cai, M Georgescu, K Griffitt, U Hermjakob, ...
Proceedings of the 7th linguistic annotation workshop and interoperability …, 2013
OntoNotes: the 90% solution
E Hovy, M Marcus, M Palmer, L Ramshaw, R Weischedel
Proceedings of the human language technology conference of the NAACL …, 2006
From TreeBank to PropBank.
PR Kingsbury, M Palmer
LREC, 1989-1993, 2002
Ontonotes release 4.0
R Weischedel, S Pradhan, L Ramshaw, M Palmer, N Xue, M Marcus, ...
LDC2011T03, Philadelphia, Penn.: Linguistic Data Consortium 17, 2011
The penn chinese treebank: Phrase structure annotation of a large corpus
N Xue, F Xia, FD Chiou, M Palmer
Natural language engineering 11 (2), 207-238, 2005
Class-based construction of a verb lexicon
K Kipper, HT Dang, M Palmer
AAAI/IAAI 691, 696, 2000
A large-scale classification of English verbs
K Kipper, A Korhonen, N Ryant, M Palmer
Language Resources and Evaluation 42, 21-40, 2008
A vision for technology-mediated support for public participation & assistance in mass emergencies & disasters
L Palen, KM Anderson, G Mark, J Martin, D Sicker, M Palmer, D Grunwald
ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010, 2010
Natural language processing to the rescue? extracting" situational awareness" tweets during mass emergency
S Verma, S Vieweg, W Corvey, L Palen, J Martin, M Palmer, A Schram, ...
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 5 …, 2011
The English all-words task
B Snyder, M Palmer
Proceedings of SENSEVAL-3, the third international workshop on the …, 2004
Calibrating features for semantic role labeling
N Xue, M Palmer
Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2004
Conll-2011 shared task: Modeling unrestricted coreference in ontonotes
S Pradhan, L Ramshaw, M Marcus, M Palmer, R Weischedel, N Xue
Proceedings of the fifteenth conference on computational natural language …, 2011
Semeval-2007 task-17: English lexical sample, srl and all words
S Pradhan, E Loper, D Dligach, M Palmer
Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on semantic evaluations …, 2007
Semantic role labeling
M Palmer, D Gildea, N Xue
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2011
Adding semantic annotation to the penn treebank
P Kingsbury, M Palmer, M Marcus
Proceedings of the human language technology conference, 252-256, 2002
The necessity of parsing for predicate argument recognition
D Gildea, M Palmer
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2002
Expert systems in the micro-electronic age
A Bundy, L Byrd, G Luger, C Mellish, M Palmer
Solving Mechanics Problems Using Meta-Level Inference, 50-64, 1979
Extending VerbNet with Novel Verb Classes.
K Kipper, A Korhonen, N Ryant, M Palmer
LREC, 1027-1032, 2006
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