Lucas Rafael Carneiro da Silva
Lucas Rafael Carneiro da Silva
Doutorando em Engenharia de Minas, Metalúrgica e de Materiais (PPGE3M) da UFRGS.
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Dikutip oleh
Effect of reprocessing cycles on the morphology and mechanical properties of a poly (propylene)/poly (hydroxybutyrate) blend and its nanocomposite
RR Oliveira, TA Oliveira, LRC Silva, R Barbosa, TS Alves, LH Carvalho, ...
Materials Research 24, e20200372, 2021
Investigation of the wettability using contact angle measurements of green polyethylene flat films and expanded vermiculite clay treated by plasma
ID Conceição, LRC Silva, TS Alves, HS Silva, R Barbosa, RRM Sousa
Materials Research 22 (suppl 1), e20180918, 2019
Polymer blends of poly (lactic acid) and starch for the production of films applied in food packaging: A brief review
LR Carneiro da Silva, AO Rios, RM Campomanes Santana
Polymers from Renewable Resources, 20412479231154924, 2023
Study of the hydrolytic degradation of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate in the development of blends and polymeric bionanocomposites
RN Silva, LRC da Silva, ACL de Morais, TS Alves, R Barbosa
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 34 (7), 884-901, 2021
Uso de fotólise direta e H2O2/UV em solução aquosa contendo o corante violeta cristal
LRC da Silva, TL da Silva, FP de Araújo, EC da Silva Filho, JA Osajima
Holos Environment 17 (1), 138-148, 2017
Análise da microestrutura e propriedade de dureza do aço SAE 1045 tratado termicamente por têmpera em diferentes meios de resfriamento
LRC Silva, CC Coêlho, MS Silva, EF Pereira Filho
Cadernos UniFOA 42, 13-21, 2020
Preparation of syntactic foams made from green polyethylene and glass microspheres: morphological and mechanical characterization
RL Cosse, ACL Morais, LRC Silva, LH Carvalho, JF Reis, R Barbosa, ...
Materials Research 22 (suppl. 1), e20190035, 2019
Physical, morphological, structural, thermal and antimicrobial characterization of films based on poly (lactic acid), organophilic montmorillonite and oregano essential oil
LRC Silva, LO Silva, LH Carvalho, AD Oliveira, MAG Bardi, ABS Mesquita, ...
Materials Research 25, e20220043, 2022
Natural aging of reprocessed polypropylene composites filled with sustainable corn fibers
AZG Matos, ARO Dias, ACFS Rosa, RS Nascimento Junior, CJF Braz, ...
Polymers 16 (13), 1788, 2024
Use of Compression Molding for the Production of Ternary Films Based on Poly (Lactic Acid), Montmorillonite, and Oregano Essential Oil
LRC da Silva, LO da Silva, LH de Carvalho, TS Alves, R Barbosa
Journal of Food Engineering and Technology 12 (2), 59-72, 2023
Characterization of babassu mesocarp flour as potential bio-reinforcement for Poly (Lactic Acid)
LRC Silva, TS Alves, R Barbosa, FDP Morisso, AO Rios, RMC Santana
Journal of food industry [recurso eletrônico]. Las Vegas, Estados Unidos …, 2023
Caracterização termoanalítica do sulfato de cobre pentahidratado
LRC da Silva, RM Pinto
Cadernos UniFOA 15 (43), 2020
Production and characterization of pLA/PBAT-based films incorporated with natural and maleinized vegetable oils
RN Silva, MES Santos, TS Alves, LRC Silva, RMC Santana, LH Carvalho, ...
Polímeros 34, e20240037, 2024
Development by extrusion of composite films based on Poly (Lactic Acid)/Babassu Mesocarp Flour
LRC Silva, RA França, RN Silva, TS Alves, R Barbosa, AO Rios, ...
Polímeros 34 (1), e20240009, 2024
Compósitos de policloreto de vinila e cortiça: avaliação das propriedades térmicas, inflamabilidade e morfologia
PJG Rodrigues, LRC da Silva, AL Nunes Filho, R Barbosa, JB Azevedo, ...
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração 18, 0-0, 2021
Tendências Atuais sobre a Incorporação de Fibras Vegetais em Matrizes Poliméricas: Influência nas Propriedades Mecânicas
LRC da Silva, TS Campelo
Revista Iberoamericana de Polímeros 22, 165-179, 2021
Avaliação do efeito do tratamento a plasma sobre a superfície de filmes de polietileno verde e argila vermiculita
ID Conceição, LRC Silva, LH Carvalho, THC Costa, HS Silva, TS Alves, ...
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 24 (4), e12492, 2019
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