Thomas Soehl
Thomas Soehl
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Blocked Acculturation: Cultural Heterodoxy among Europe’s Immigrants
A Wimmer, T Soehl
American Journal of Sociology 120 (1), 146-186, 2014
Making the connection: Latino immigrants and their cross-border ties
T Soehl, R Waldinger
Ethnic and Racial Studies 33 (9), 1489-1510, 2010
National trauma and the fear of foreigners: How past geopolitical threat heightens anti-immigration sentiment today
W Hiers, T Soehl, A Wimmer
Social Forces 96 (1), 361-388, 2017
Inheriting the Homeland? Intergenerational Transmission of Cross-Border Ties in Migrant Families
T Soehl, R Waldinger
American Journal of Sociology 118 (3), 778-813, 2012
Origins and destinations: The making of the second generation
R Luthra, R Waldinger, T Soehl
Russell Sage Foundation, 2018
Reconceptualizing context: A multilevel model of the context of reception and second‐generation educational attainment
R Luthra, T Soehl, R Waldinger
International Migration Review 52 (3), 898-928, 2018
From parent to child? Transmission of educational attainment within immigrant families: Methodological considerations
RR Luthra, T Soehl
Demography 52 (2), 543-567, 2015
But do they speak it? The intergenerational transmission of home-country language in migrant families in France
T Soehl
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (9), 1513-1535, 2016
Social reproduction of religiosity in the immigrant context: The role of family transmission and family formation—evidence from France
T Soehl
International Migration Review 51 (4), 999-1030, 2017
From origins to destinations: acculturation trajectories in migrants’ attitudes towards homosexuality
T Soehl
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43 (11), 1831-1853, 2017
Emigrants and the body politic left behind: results from the Latino National Survey
R Waldinger, T Soehl, N Lim
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38 (5), 711-736, 2012
How legacies of geopolitical trauma shape popular nationalism today
T Soehl, SM Karim
American Sociological Review 86 (3), 406-429, 2021
Timing of union formation and partner choice in immigrant societies: The United States and Germany
T Soehl, J Yahirun
Advances in Life Course Research 16 (4), 205-216, 2011
The political sociology of international migration: borders, boundaries, rights, and politics
R Waldinger, T Soehl
Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies, 349-359, 2013
The bounded polity: The limits to Mexican emigrant political participation
R Waldinger, T Soehl
Social forces, 2013
Challenges when identifying migration from geo-located Twitter data
C Armstrong, A Poorthuis, M Zook, D Ruths, T Soehl
EPJ Data Science 10 (1), 1, 2021
Social politics: the importance of the family for naturalisation decisions of the 1.5 generation
T Soehl, R Waldinger, R Luthra
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (7), 1240-1260, 2020
Mode of difference and resource for resilience: How religion shapes experiences of discrimination of the second generation in France
T Soehl
International Migration Review 54 (3), 796-819, 2020
The effect of social capital on migrant labor market success: Evidence from refugee sponsorship in Canada
T Soehl, I Van Haren
Ethnic and Racial Studies 46 (15), 3224-3248, 2023
Immigrants’ daughters and the labor market
T Soehl, R Fibbi, C Vera-Larrucea
The changing face of world cities. Young adult children of immigrants in …, 2012
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