Professor Nageeb Hassan
Professor Nageeb Hassan
Ajman University
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Educational environment in traditional and innovative medical schools: a study in four undergraduate medical schools
A Al-Hazimi, R Zaini, A Al-Hyiani, N Hassan, A Gunaid, G Ponnamperuma, ...
Khat (Catha edulis): health aspects of khat chewing.
NA Hassan, AA Gunaid, IM Murray-Lyon
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal= La Revue de Sante de la Mediterranee …, 2007
Post marketing surveillance of suspected adverse drug reactions through spontaneous reporting: current status, challenges and the future
M Alomar, AM Tawfiq, N Hassan, S Palaian
Therapeutic advances in drug safety 11, 2042098620938595, 2020
Knowledge, attitude and experience of pharmacist in the UAE towards pharmacovigilance
YM AlWorafi, S Hasan, NM Hassan, AA Gaili
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 14 (1), 265-269, 2021
Patients’ beliefs towards generic medicines in The United Arab Emirates
I Guella, N Hassan, M Shahwan, YM Al-Worafi, S Alkhoujah
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 14 (6), 3343-3346, 2021
A study investigating the association between vitamin D and depression among university students in 39 countries
DAR Kouider, NAG Hassan, YM Al-Worafi
Biomedical Research 30 (4), 655-659, 2019
The effect of Qat chewing on blood pressure and heart rate in healthy volunteers
NAGM Hassan, AA Gunaid, AA Abdo-Rabbo, ZY Abdel-Kader, ...
Tropical doctor 30 (2), 107-108, 2000
Knowledge, attitude and practice of antibiotic use among university students: a cross sectional study in UAE
A Jairoun, N Hassan, A Ali, O Jairoun, M Shahwan
BMC public health 19, 1-8, 2019
The effect of chewing Khat leaves on human mood
NA Hassan, AA Gunaid, FM El-Khally, IM Murray-Lyon
Neurosciences Journal 7 (3), 184-187, 2002
Evaluation of rational use of medicines (RUM) in four government hospitals in UAE
A Mahmood, AA Elnour, AAA Ali, NAGM Hassan, A Shehab, ...
Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 24 (2), 189-196, 2016
The subjective effects of chewing Qat leaves in human volunteers
NAGM Hassan, AA Gunaid, FMY El Khally, IM Murray-Lyon
Annals of Saudi medicine 22 (1-2), 34-37, 2002
Awareness and preparedness of human monkeypox outbreak among university student: Time to worry or one to ignore?
AA Jairoun, SS Al-Hemyari, NM Abdulla, F El-Dahiyat, M Shahwan, ...
Journal of infection and public health 15 (10), 1065-1071, 2022
University students’ knowledge, attitudes, and practice regarding antibiotic use and associated factors: a cross-sectional study in the United Arab Emirates
A Jairoun, N Hassan, A Ali, O Jairoun, M Shahwan, M Hassali
International journal of general medicine, 235-246, 2019
Khat chewing and arterial blood pressure. A randomized controlled clinical trial of alpha-1 and selective beta-1 adrenoceptor blockade.
NA Hassan, AA Gunaid, FM El-Khally, MY Al-Noami, IM Murray-Lyon
Saudi medical journal 26 (4), 537-541, 2005
Predictors of adherence to antihypertensive medication in northern United Arab Emirates.
RJK Bader, F Koprulu, N Hassan, AAA Ali, AA Elnour
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 21 (5), 2015
Should medical students learn to develop a personal formulary? An international, multicentre, randomised controlled study
T De Vries, JMA Daniels, CW Mulder, OA Groot, L Wewerinke, KI Barnes, ...
European journal of clinical pharmacology 64, 641-646, 2008
Synthesis, characterization and safety evaluation of sericin-based hydrogels for controlled delivery of acyclovir
MM Al-Tabakha, SA Khan, A Ashames, H Ullah, K Ullah, G Murtaza, ...
Pharmaceuticals 14 (3), 234, 2021
The impact of problem-based pharmacotherapy training on the competence of rational prescribing of Yemen undergraduate students
N Hassan, AA Abdulla, HA Bakathir, AA Al-Amoodi, AM Aklan, T De Vries
European journal of clinical pharmacology 55, 873-876, 2000
Herbs as a source for the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome: A systematic review
JN Lakshmi, AN Babu, SSM Kiran, LP Nori, N Hassan, A Ashames, ...
BioTech 12 (1), 4, 2023
Prevalence and risk factors for Helicobacter pylori infection among Yemeni dyspeptic patients
AA Gunaid, NA Hassan, I Murray-Lyon
Saudi medical journal 24 (5), 512-517, 2003
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